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From SkyTemple
coro EVENT_M16
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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===coro EVENT_M17_01===
===coro EVENT_M17_01===
Dusknoir report to Dialga about the successful capture. Hero and partner wake up in the jail cell.

===coro EVENT_M17_02===
===coro EVENT_M17_02===
Hero tries to open the door, but they are locked.

===coro EVENT_M17_03_05===
===coro EVENT_M17_03_05===
Hero and partner gets blindfolded and tied up to pillows. They meet Grovyle, and after thinking about the way to escape, the trio fool Sableyes and Dusknoir and run outside, where hero and partner saw what will happen to the planet in the future. The trio arrives to the entrance of Chasm Cave. Partner doesn't believe Grovyle and refuses to go with him, so, after explaining what happenend with the planet, Grovyle enters the dungeon alone.

===coro EVENT_M17_06===
===coro EVENT_M17_06===
Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Chasm Cave.

===coro EVENT_M17_07===
===coro EVENT_M17_07===
Called if the player faints in the Chasm Cave.

===coro EVENT_M18_01===
===coro EVENT_M18_01===
Hero and partner exits Chasm Cave and finds a frozen waterfall. Hero touches the waterfall to trigger the Dimenshional Scream but nothing happened. After that, they decide to go onward and arrive to Dark Hill.

===coro EVENT_M18_02===
===coro EVENT_M18_02===
Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Dark Hill.

===coro EVENT_M18_03===
===coro EVENT_M18_03===
Called if the player faints in the Dark Hill.

===coro EVENT_M18_04_05===
===coro EVENT_M18_04_05===
Hero and partner exits Dark Hill. Partner broke down, they missed everyone from the past. Hero encourages partner to go find Grovyle and return back to their world. Hero and partner arrives to Sealed Ruins.

===coro EVENT_M18_06===
===coro EVENT_M18_06===
Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Sealed Ruins.

===coro EVENT_M18_07===
===coro EVENT_M18_07===
Called if the player faints in the Sealed Ruins.

===coro EVENT_M18_08===
===coro EVENT_M18_08===
"Would you like to go on?" message.

===coro EVENT_M18_09===
===coro EVENT_M18_09===
Hero and partner enters Sealed Ruins Pit. Meanwhile, Grovyle exits Sealed Ruins Pit. He thinks about how hero and partner are doing, but decides that it isn't the time. He decides to go on, but suddenly, he was stopped by Spiritomb.

===coro EVENT_M18_10===
===coro EVENT_M18_10===
Called if the player faints in the Sealed Ruins Pit.

===coro EVENT_M18_11===
===coro EVENT_M18_11===
Hero and partner exits Sealed Ruins Pit and encounters Grovyle. Suddenly, Spiritomb appear. They see hero and partner as intruders and attacks them.

===coro EVENT_M18_12===
===coro EVENT_M18_12===
Hero and partner fights Spiritomb. Called if the player got defeated in this fight at least once.

===coro EVENT_M18_13_14===
===coro EVENT_M18_13_14===
Hero and partner defeats Spiritomb. Spiritomb escapes, returning to Grovyle the control of his body. Grovyle says, that there are a lot of pokemon that should've been good, but the darkness of the world made them bitter and twisted. Trio moves on. Grovyle tells to hero and partner that Dusknoir is actually a Dialga's agent who got sent to get rid of him. After telling that, he goes off to find Celebi. Hero and partner decides to catch up to Grovyle.

===coro EVENT_M19_01_02===
===coro EVENT_M19_01_02===
Dusknoir asks Dialga for help. Grovyle, hero and partner arrives to Dusk Forest to search for Celebi, that sent Grovyle to the past. Hero starts to have a strange sensation.

===coro EVENT_M19_03===
===coro EVENT_M19_03===
Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Dusk Forest.

===coro EVENT_M19_04===
===coro EVENT_M19_04===
Partner asks Grovyle if he'll continue stealing Time Gears, to which he answered yes. Partner says that he'll stop Grovyle if it turns out that Time Gears are unneded to save the world. Grovyle enters Dusk Forest. Hero realizes that he had that strange sensation in Foggy Forest. Hero and partner enters Dusk Forest.

===coro EVENT_M19_05===
===coro EVENT_M19_05===
Called if the player faints in Dusk Forest.

===coro EVENT_M19_06_07===
===coro EVENT_M19_06_07===
Grovyle, hero and partner finds Celebi. She tells them where the Passage of Time is. Everyone goes to Deep Dusk Forest where Celebi tolds partner and hero what exactly is the Passage of Time.

===coro EVENT_M19_08===
===coro EVENT_M19_08===
Partner asks everyone whether they're ready to go to Deep Dusk Forest.

===coro EVENT_M19_09===
===coro EVENT_M19_09===
Called if the player faints in Deep Dusk Forest.

===coro EVENT_M19_10===
===coro EVENT_M19_10===
Hero, partner, Grovyle and Celebi exits Deep Dusk Forest and arrives to Passage of Time. Suddenly, they all became surrounded by Dusknoir and Sableye. Grovyle tells that he has a friend, a human, who's in the past. But Dusknoir reveals, that said human is hero. Partner asks Celebi to use a Time Travel. Celebi uses it, but Dialga interrupts it. However, that time travel transported hero, partner, Grovyle in Celebi in just enough distance for all of them(except Celebi) to run through the Passage of Time.

===coro EVENT_M20_01_04===
===coro EVENT_M20_01_04===
Line 1,069: Line 1,094:

===coro EVENT_S30_03===
===coro EVENT_S30_03===
Introduces Project P to the player for the first time. Begins when the player enters the crossroads under a certain $SCENARIO_MAIN value.

===coro EVENT_S30_04===
===coro EVENT_S30_04===
Plays when speaking to Wynaut in the recycle shop if $SUB30_TREASURE_DISCOVER is enabled.
Will initiate S30A0401, which tells the player Project P discovered new treasure.

===coro EVENT_S30_05===
===coro EVENT_S30_05===
Plays when speaking to Wobbuffet in the recycle shop, initiating S30A0501.

===coro EVENT_S30_06===
===coro EVENT_S30_06===
Plays when speaking to Wynaut in the recycle shop to run the normal recycle menu, initiating S30A0601.

===coro EVENT_S30_07===
===coro EVENT_S30_07===
Plays when speaking to Spinda in the recycle shop, initiating S30A0701.

===coro EVENT_S31_01===
===coro EVENT_S31_01===
Line 1,707: Line 1,739:
===coro BUBBLE_TEST===
===coro BUBBLE_TEST===
Plays a cutscene where Krabby starts to blow bubbles.  
Plays a cutscene where Krabby starts to blow bubbles.  
Is unused outside of debug mode!

===coro MAP_TEST===
===coro MAP_TEST===
Plays every cutscene where the clouds lifts over every part of the Wonder Map.  
Plays every cutscene where the clouds lifts over every part of the Wonder Map.  

Latest revision as of 18:50, 15 December 2024

This article is unfinished. You can help expanding it.

unionall.ssb is a script in the game, containing the game's coroutines. Some of the most important coroutines dictate the order of gameplay and cutscenes, as well as handling the transition from cutscenes to overworld, and vice versa. There are also plenty of other coroutines that are called frequently within scripts for simple purposes. You can call those coroutines with CallCommon, JumpCommon, ExecuteCommon and supervision_ExecuteCommon opcodes.



Ends an interaction with NPC or object and return controls to the player.


Waits until the screen fades in, then returns.


Only contains hold;


Should be called in a with statement. Makes the actor stand still and turn to the actor it's talking to.


Should be called in a with statement. Makes the actor turn to the actor it's talking to.


Only contains hold;


Should be called in a with statement. Makes the actor stand still and turn to the actor it's talking to.


Only contains return;


Called when talking to a team member in Crossroads or Spinda's Cafe. Displays one of the possible Wait dialogues for the team member's personality group.


Called when talking to a team member in a dungeon's checkpoint. Displays one of the possible Ground Wait dialogues for the team member's personality group.


Called when the player presses the R button in the overworld.


Loads the Partner or Partner2 scripts, depending on $SCENARIO_SELECT and $GROUND_ENTER.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an actor's animation to looped Idle animation.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an actor's animation to Idle animation that only plays once.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an actor's animation to looped Idle animation.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an animation to looped animation with index 0 or 7.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an animation to looped animation with index 0.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an animation to looped animation with index 0 or 7.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an animation to looped animation with index 0.


Waits 12 frames, then ends.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an actor's animation to Walk animation that only plays once, then makes an actor turn to Down direction.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an actor's animation to Idle animation, then makes an actor turn to Down direction.


Should be called in the targeted routine. Sets an actor's animation to Sleep animation.


Makes an actor go to random direction every 48 frames.


Makes an actor go to random direction after a random amount of frames(minimum 24, maximum 48).


Makes an actor go to random direction after a random amount of frames(minimum 16, maximum 24).


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Sets actor's animation to EventSleep, waits a second, sets animation to Wake, turns the actor to the Down direction.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Sets actor's animation to EventSleep, waits a second, sets animation to Wake, turns the actor to the Down direction.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees, then 90 degrees to the left.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees, then 90 degrees to the left.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the right, then 90 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the right, then 90 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the right, then 180 degrees, then 180 degrees.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the right, then 180 degrees, then 180 degrees.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees, then 180 degrees.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees, then 180 degrees.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon, usually se_Play(5138); is used before calling. Makes an actor jump once.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon, usually se_Play(5138); is used before calling. Makes an actor jump once.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon, usually se_Play(8974); is used before calling. Makes an actor jump once, using Hurt animation.


Should be called in with statements with ExecuteCommon, usually se_Play(8974); is used before calling. Makes an actor jump once, using Hurt animation.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon, usually se_Play(8975); is used before calling. Makes an actor jump twice quickly.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon, usually se_Play(8975); is used before calling. Makes an actor jump twice quickly.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the right, then 180 degrees, then 180 degrees, then 90 degrees to the lest.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns the actor 90 degrees to the right, then 180 degrees, then 180 degrees, then 90 degrees to the lest.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns the actor 45 degrees to the left, then 90 degrees to the left, then 90 degrees to the right, then 45 degrees to the right.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns the actor 45 degrees to the left, then 90 degrees to the left, then 90 degrees to the right, then 45 degrees to the right.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Starts Walk animation, waits 45 frames, stops walking animation and returns.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Starts Walk animation, waits 45 frames, stops walking animation and returns.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Turns actor to the right and starts EventSleep animation.


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Turns actor to the right and starts EventSleep animation.


Should be called in a targeted routine with CallCommon. Clears dungeon results, sets GROUND_ENTER to 195(G01P01A), sets the PLAYER_KIND to 0(hero will appear as a player character), and ATTENDANT1_KIND to 2(partner will appear in the overworld).


Should be called in with statement with ExecuteCommon. Clears dungeon results, sets GROUND_ENTER to 195(G01P01A), sets the PLAYER_KIND to 0(hero will appear as a player character), and ATTENDANT1_KIND to 2(partner will appear in the overworld)


Calls the "Would you like to save your adventure?" message. It displays a different menu depending on whether the save is called in a cutscene or in the overworld.


Should be called in a with statement or targeted routine. Sets the camera to wherever the actor/object/performer is, then destroys that actor/object/performer.






Fades the screen out, sets GROUND_GETOUT to the value of GROUND_ENTER then jumps to EVENT_DIVIDE. If $SCENARIO_MAIN is less than 30, 2, sets $SCENARIO_MAIN to 30, 2, then sets ATTENDANT1_KIND and ATTENDANT2_KIND to 0(partner does not follow the hero in the overworld)


Only contains end;


Must be called in with statement or a targeted routine. Sets a water splash effect, wait until it ends, then destroys the actor/object/performer.


Must be called in with statement or a targeted routine. Sets a spinning circles effect, wait until it ends, then destroys the actor/object/performer.


Defines whether the game was saved or not, jumps to other coroutines depending on the values of $SCENARIO_SELECT(Go Rescue, Standby Adventure or New Game) and $SCENARIO_MAIN.




Sets GROUND_ENTER to 195(G01P01A), sets GROUND_PLACE to 181(if the top screen shows a map, sets hero to Treasure Town), clears REQUEST_CLEAR_COUNT(contains information about how many job days have past from the last story part), runs a special process RETURN_DUNGEON, then returns.


Only contains return;


Only contains return;


Jumps to coroutines EVENT_MXX_XX depending on $SCENARIO_MAIN. It called only if $SCENARIO_MAIN[0] is 14 or less.


Jumps to coroutines EVENT_MXX_XX depending on $SCENARIO_MAIN. It called only if $SCENARIO_MAIN[0] is greater than 14 but less than 28


Jumps to coroutines EVENT_SXX_XX depending on $SCENARIO_MAIN. It called only if $SCENARIO_MAIN[0] is 28 or greater.


This coroutine is called after loading a save file. This script defines what cutscene to show or what Enter script should be loaded.




Shows a menu with some of the coroutines. Choosing one makes the game call the chosen coroutine.


Shows a menu with the Acting scenes of the original game. Choosing one makes the game load the chosen script..


Only contains hold;


If called during a Special Episode, sets $EXECUTE_SPECIAL_EPISODE_TYPE to 0.


If called during a Special Episode, sets $EXECUTE_SPECIAL_EPISODE_TYPE to 1.


If called during a Special Episode, sets $EXECUTE_SPECIAL_EPISODE_TYPE to 4.


If called during a Special Episode, sets $EXECUTE_SPECIAL_EPISODE_TYPE to 3.


If called during a Special Episode, sets $EXECUTE_SPECIAL_EPISODE_TYPE to 2.

coro DEMO_01

Chunsoft logo, copyright information.

coro DEMO_02

The intro cutscene.

coro DEMO_03

The title screen.

coro DEMO_04

The title screen if the intro cutscene was skipped.

coro DEMO_05

Demo title screen with seizure warning.

coro DEMO_06

Demo title screen with the backround with inactive Rainbow Stoneship. After that, the game shows seizure warning, ESRB rating, then jumps to title screen.

coro EVENT_M00A_01

Personality Quiz, debug menu


Shows the dining scene and Loudred's alarm scene. Only works if $SCENARIO_MAIN is greater than [4, 7].


Shows the dining scene with Team Skull and Loudred's alarm scene.


Chimecho calls everyone to eat dinner. After dinner, hero and partner are going to sleep.


Shows the dining scene with Team Skull.


Morning cheers. After that, Chatot gives an assignment for the day.


Morning cheers with Team Skull. After that, Chatot gives an assignment for the day.


Shows the scene with Loudred's alarm.


Partner says to hero that they didn't do well and it's time to return to the guild. After that, the game jumps to EVENT_HA_YU_KI.


Partner says to hero that they didn't do well and it's time to return to the guild. After that, the game shows the dining scene with Team Skull and Loudred's alarm scene.


Partner says to hero that they didn't do well and it's time to return to the guild. After that, the game shows the dining scene. After dinner, hero and partner are going to sleep.


Partner says to hero that they didn't do well and it's time to return to the guild. After that, the game shows the dining scene with Team Skull. After dinner, hero and partner are going to sleep.


If the player sent a Sky Gift to NPC, randomly decides if that NPC sends a gift to the player. Depending on $SCENARIO_MAIN, either jumps to coroutine or shows hero and partner going to sleep and waking up in Sharpedo Bluff.


Sentry duty.


Partner says to hero that they didn't do well and it's time to return to the guild. After that, the game jumps to EVENT_HA_SAME.

coro EVENT_M00_01

Cutscene where Chimecho Assembly is unlocked.

coro EVENT_M00_02

Cutscene where Croagunk's Swap Shop opens.

coro EVENT_M00_03

Cutscene where Chimecho announces that the team can switch leaders.

coro EVENT_M00_04

Cutscene where Dugtrio hears the call of the sea telling him to get back to work (only activates if you talk to Dugtrio on the second in-game day of Chapter 13).

coro EVENT_M00_05

Cutscene from the first visit to Marowak Dojo.

coro EVENT_M00_06

Cutscene where Dojo Final Maze opens.

coro EVENT_M00_07

Cutscene when going to Mystifying Forest if outside team members are in the party.

coro EVENT_M00_08

Cutscene when not meeting team conditions for Mt. Travail story dungeon scenario.

coro EVENT_M00_09

Marowak Dojo completion/failure scripts.

coro EVENT_M00_12

Cutscene where Krabby tells of messages in a bottle washing up on the beach.

coro EVENT_M00_13

Cutscene where Chimecho announces that team members will wait at Spinda’s Café.

coro EVENT_M00_14

Treasure town cutscene where the Ursarings tell Hero and Partner that they can evolve.

coro EVENT_M01_01_02

Cutscene where partner fails to go into the Wigglytuff's guild, goes to the beach and meets hero. The cutscene ends when partner and hero goes to Beach Cave.

coro EVENT_M01_03

Cutscene after fainting in Beach Cave.

coro EVENT_M01_04

First encounter with Team Skull in Beach Cave.

coro EVENT_M01_05

Encounter with Team Skull in Beach Cave if the player fainted on the first encounter.

coro EVENT_M01_06

Beach Cave Pit when player revisits Beach Cave.

coro EVENT_M01_07_08

Cutscene after defeating Team Skull.

coro EVENT_M02_01_02

Cutscene where hero and partner goes to Wigglytuff's guild and form an exploration team. Cutscene ends after the first morning address.

coro EVENT_M02_03_04

Cutscene where Chatot sends hero and partner to Drenched Bluff.

coro EVENT_M02_05_07A

Cutscene after fainting in Drenched Bluff. If this cutscene is playing for the forth time, Wigglytuff will give a Reviver Seed and Max Elixir to hero and partner.

coro EVENT_M02_07B

Cutscene where hero and partner returns to Drenched Bluff after the morning address.

coro EVENT_M02_09_10

Cutscene where hero and partner successfully retrieves the Spoink's pearl.

coro EVENT_M03_01B

Cutscene where Chatot shows an Outlaw Notice board and tells Bidoof to show them around the town.

coro EVENT_M03_02

A cutscene that plays if the player tries to go to the Crossroads without visiting the Kecleon Market.

coro EVENT_M03_03

Marill and Azurill buys an Apple, first Dimensional Scream.

coro EVENT_M03_04

Drowzee offers help to Marill and Azurill, second Dimensional Scream.

coro EVENT_M03_05_06

Bidoof tries to help to pick an outlaw. Drowzee's portrait appears on the board.

coro EVENT_M03_07A

Cutscene that plays if the player gets defeated in Mt. Bristle.

coro EVENT_M03_07B

Morning cheers. There are no other dialogues after that.

coro EVENT_M03_08

Cutscene before the first fight with Drowzee

coro EVENT_M03_10_13

Drowzee's arrest, introduction of the Time Gears, followed by the scene where Grovyle steals one of them.

coro EVENT_M04_01

Loudred tells the hero and partner about Sentry Duty

coro EVENT_M04_02_03

Sentry Duty results.

coro EVENT_M05_01_02

Chatot tells the news about the time in Treeshroud Forest being stopped. After that, Chatot tells hero and partner to go to Waterfall Cave.investigate the waterfall.

coro EVENT_M05_03

First visit to waterfall, where hero and partner find the cave behind the waterfall with the help of Dimensional Scream.

coro EVENT_M05_04

Called if the player faints in Waterfall Cave.

coro EVENT_M05_05

Called when the player visits Waterfall Cave after fainting in it.

coro EVENT_M05_06_09

Hero and partner got to the end of the Waterfall Cave and got shot into the Hot Spring. After that, they report Chatot about their findings. Hero realized that Wigglytuff was the first one who found the Waterfall Cave. At the end, Chatot and Wigglytuff tells hero and partner about the expedition to Fogbound Lake.

coro EVENT_M06_01

Chatot tells everyone about the expedition to Fogbound Lake.

coro EVENT_M06_02

Hero and partner meets Team Skull.

coro EVENT_M06_03

Morning cheers. After that, Chatot asks hero and partner to take jobs from the boards.

coro EVENT_M06_04

Morning cheers. After that, Loudred calls hero and partner to do sentry duty.

coro EVENT_M06_05

Chatot introduces Team Skull to the guild

coro EVENT_M07_01_02

Dinner scene. After that, hero and partner went to sleep, and Team Skull decided to find guild's food stock.

coro EVENT_M07_03

Morning cheers. After that, Chatot sends hero and partner to Apple Woods.

coro EVENT_M07_04

Hero and partner entering Apple Woods for the first time.

coro EVENT_M07_05

Called if the player fainted in Apple Woods.

coro EVENT_M07_06

Hero and partner entering Apple Woods again. Called if the player failed to finish Apple Woods at least once.

coro EVENT_M07_07_12

Team Skull prevents hero and partner from getting Perfect Apples. Chatot telling hero and partner that they won't get dinner. After dinner, Chatot told to Wigglytuff that they don't have any Perfect Apples.

coro EVENT_M07_13

Chatot twlls everyone that they will announce the members of the expedition party soon. When everyone left, guild members calls hero and partner to their room to feed them.

coro EVENT_M07_14

Morning cheers. After that, Chatot sends hero and partner to Apple Woods again. Called if the player failed to finish Apple Woods at least once.

coro EVENT_M08_01_02

Chatot tells everyone that the expedition members tomorrow. Grovyle steals the second Time Gear.

coro EVENT_M08_03

Chatot announces expedition members.

coro EVENT_M08_04

Chatot asks whether hero and partner are ready for the expedition.

coro EVENT_M08_05_06

Chatot tells the objective of the expedition and divides everyone into groups. Hero, partner and Bidoof arrives to Craggy Coast.

coro EVENT_M08_07

Called if the player finished Side Path.

coro EVENT_M08_08

Called if the player fainted in Craggy Coast.

coro EVENT_M08_09

Partner asks hero whether they should go to Craggy Coast or Side Path

coro EVENT_M08_10

Hero, partner and Bidoof arrives to Mt. Horn.

coro EVENT_M08_11

Called if the player finished Rock Path.

coro EVENT_M08_12

Called if the player fainted in Mt. Horn.

coro EVENT_M08_13

Partner asks hero whether they should go to Mt. Horn. or Rock Path.

coro EVENT_M09_01

Hero, partner and Bidoof arrives to base camp.

coro EVENT_M09_02

Partner asks hero whether they should go to Foggy Forest or Forest Path. If they go to Foggy Forest, they will find a Drought Stone.

coro EVENT_M09_03

Called if the player finished Forest Path.

coro EVENT_M09_04

Called if the player fainted in Foggy Forest.

coro EVENT_M09_05

Partner asks hero whether they should go to Foggy Forest or Forest Path. Called if the player fainted in Foggy Forest at least once.

coro EVENT_M09_06_07

Hero and partner finds Corphish and a Groudon statue. Hero gets a Dimensional Scream, where someone mentioned that inserting Drought Stone into statue lifts the fog. Hero and partner lifts the fog, encounter Team Skull. Wigglytuff arrives to the statue and sends hero and partner to Steam Cave.

coro EVENT_M10_01

Hero and partner arrives to Steam Cave.

coro EVENT_M10_02

Partner asks hero whether they are ready to go into Steam Cave.

coro EVENT_M10_03

Team Skull attacks Wigglytuff.

coro EVENT_M10_04

Called if the player fainted in Steam Cave.

coro EVENT_M10_05

Hero and partner arrives to Upper Steam Cave.

coro EVENT_M10_06

"Would you like to go on?" message.

coro EVENT_M10_07

Hero and partner hears a roar. After that, hero tells partner that this place seems familiar.

coro EVENT_M10_08

Called if the player faints in Upper Steam Cave.

coro EVENT_M10_09

Hero and partner meets Groudon. Meanwhile, guild members arrives to Steam Cave entrance and Chatot tells everyone about the Groudon.

coro EVENT_M10_10

Hero and partner encounters Groudon. Called if the player fainted in the fight against Groudon at least once.

coro EVENT_M10_11_12

Hero and partner defeats Groudon. Uxie introduces themself to hero and partner, then show them Fogbound Lake. After that, Uxie explains that they can only erase memories about Fogbound Lake. Guild members arrived to the lake. Uxie decides to not erase everyone's memories.

coro EVENT_M11_01

Loudred wakes hero and partner up for the first time after the end of expedition.

coro EVENT_M11_02

Dusknoir arrives to the guild.

coro EVENT_M11_03

Team Skull arrives to the guild at night, planning to take revenge on hero and partner.

coro EVENT_M11_04

Chatot sends hero and partner to Kecleon Market to ask whether they're planning to stock Perfect Apples.

coro EVENT_M11_05

Hero and partner meets Dusknoir around the Kecleon Market. After that, they report to Chatot that Kecleons aren't planning to stock Perfect Apples.

coro EVENT_M11_06_07

Before everyone starts to eat a dinner, Chatot tells everyone that another Time Gear was stolen. At night, hero is wondering, why they heart was pounding so much after seeing a Time Gear. Meanwhile, Grovyle steals Fogbound Lake's Time Gear.

coro EVENT_M12_01

Someone visits hero and partner after morning cheers. Turns out that it's Azurill and Marill, who've got a ransom letter.

coro EVENT_M12_02

Hero and partner enters Amp Plains for the first time.

coro EVENT_M12_03A

Called if the player fainted in Amp Plains.

coro EVENT_M12_03B

Morning cheers. After it, partner tells hero that they should return to Amp Plains.

coro EVENT_M12_04

Hero and partner visits Amp Plains. Called if the player faints in Amp Plains at least once.

coro EVENT_M12_05

"Would you like to go on?" message.

coro EVENT_M12_06

Hero and partner enters Far Amp Plains. Meanwhile, Dusknoir discovers the fact that hero and partner went to Amp Plains and runs there.

coro EVENT_M12_07

Called if the player fainted in Far Amp Plains.

coro EVENT_M12_08

Hero and partner encounters Manectric for the first time.

coro EVENT_M12_09

Hero and partner encounters Manectric. Called if the player fainted in that fight at least once.

coro EVENT_M12_10_12

Manectric attacks hero and partner, but Dusknoir saves them. Manectric gives time to get Water Float and leave. After returning the item, partner asks Dusknoir about hero and his abilities. Dusknoir tells them about Dimensional Scream. Suddenly, a lot of Pellipers appeared and Bidoof calls everyone to the guild.

coro EVENT_M13_01

Chatot tells everyone that the Fogbound Lake's Time Gear was stolen. Uxie saw the criminal and, with the help of Magnezone, a wanted poster was made. Dusknoir and Chatot begins to devise a strategy for finding Grovyle.

coro EVENT_M13_02

Loads the acting scene that only contains end;

coro EVENT_M13_03

Chatot divides everyone into groups and sends hero and partner to Northern Desert.

coro EVENT_M13_04

Hero and partner visits Northern Desert for the first time.

coro EVENT_M13_05A

Called if the player fainted in Northern Desert.

coro EVENT_M13_05B

Morning cheers. After it, partner tells hero that they need to return to Northern Desert.

coro EVENT_M13_06

Hero and partner visits Northern Desert. Called if the player fainted in Northern Desert at least once.

coro EVENT_M13_07

Hero and partner finishes the dungeon, but only find a quicksand, so they come back into the guild. After the report to Chatot, it turns out that Bidoof stole a crystal.

coro EVENT_M13_08

Does nothing.

coro EVENT_M13_09

Chatot tells everyone about that they develop a strategy with Dusknoir. Guild members was sent to search a Time Gear on their own initiative. Partner asks hero where to go, to which hero answers that they need to come back to Northern Desert.

coro EVENT_M14_01

Hero and partner returned to the end of the Northern Desert. Hero convinces partner to jump into the quicksand pit.

coro EVENT_M14_02A

Called if the player fainted in Quicksand Cave.

coro EVENT_M14_02B

Dusknoir tells the guild that the location of Time Gears were not narrowed down yet. Partner tells hero that they should return to Quicksand Cave.

coro EVENT_M14_03

Hero and partner jump into the quicksand. Called if the player fainted in Quicksand Cave at least once.

coro EVENT_M14_04

Called if the player fainted in Quicksand Pit.

coro EVENT_M14_05

"Would you like to go on?" message.

coro EVENT_M14_06

Hero and partner finds Underground Lake and its Time Gear. Suddenly, Mesprit appears and attacks them.

coro EVENT_M14_07

Hero and partner fights Mesprit. Called if the player got defeated in this fight at least once.

coro EVENT_M14_08_09

Hero and partner defeats Mesprit. Suddenly, Grovyle appears, gets through everyone and takes the Time Gear. Hero, partner and Mesprit evacuates from the lake. In the guild, hero borrows a crystal from Bidoof, and gets a vision, where Azelf fights Grovyle. The guild starts searching the Crystal Lake.

coro EVENT_M15_01

Hero and partner arrive to Crystal Cave.

coro EVENT_M15_02

Called if the player fainted in Crystal Cave.

coro EVENT_M15_03

Hero and partner arrive to Crystal Cave. Called if the player fainted in the dungeon at least once.

coro EVENT_M15_04

Hero and partner arrives to a puzzle with three crystals.

coro EVENT_M15_05

Partner asks hero to solve the puzzle.

coro EVENT_M15_06

Called when the player finishes the puzzle.

coro EVENT_M15_07

Called if the player fainted in Crystal Crossing.

coro EVENT_M15_08

Hero and partner enters Crystal Crossing. Called if the player fainted in the dungeon at least once.

coro EVENT_M15_09

Hero and partner arrives to Crystal Lake and notices that Grovyle is already there. Azelf covers the Time Gear with crystals. Hero and partner attacks Grovyle.

coro EVENT_M15_10_12

Grovyle defeats hero and partner. Suddenly Dusknoir arrives and Grovyle escapes. They wake up in the guild, in their room. Hero and partner tells everyone that Grovyle and Dusknoir knows each over. An emergency siren went off. Magnemite tells everyone in the guild about the important announcement from Dusknoir and tells them to gather at the main square.

coro EVENT_M16_01

Everyone gather at the main square. Dusknoir tells them that he's from the future, where a planet's paralysis occured. Also, he tells about the trap in the Crystal Lake.

coro EVENT_M16_02

Hero and partner arrives to Crystal Cave, then go back to not ruin the plan.

coro EVENT_M16_03

Before falling asleep, partner discusses with hero everything that Dusknoir told.

coro EVENT_M16_04

Chatot says that there's no information about Grovyle's capture.

coro EVENT_M16_05

Partner wonders what Azelf is doing and how can a Pokemon arrive from the future.

coro EVENT_M16_06_07

Chatot says that there's no information about Grovyle's capture. Magnemite alerts everyone that Grovyle was captured and Dusknoir returns back home. Everyone gather at the main square, where the portal was located. Sableyes brings Grovyle to the square and jumps into the portal with him. Dusknoir calls hero and partner, grabs them and jumps into the portal with them.

coro EVENT_M17_01

Dusknoir report to Dialga about the successful capture. Hero and partner wake up in the jail cell.

coro EVENT_M17_02

Hero tries to open the door, but they are locked.

coro EVENT_M17_03_05

Hero and partner gets blindfolded and tied up to pillows. They meet Grovyle, and after thinking about the way to escape, the trio fool Sableyes and Dusknoir and run outside, where hero and partner saw what will happen to the planet in the future. The trio arrives to the entrance of Chasm Cave. Partner doesn't believe Grovyle and refuses to go with him, so, after explaining what happenend with the planet, Grovyle enters the dungeon alone.

coro EVENT_M17_06

Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Chasm Cave.

coro EVENT_M17_07

Called if the player faints in the Chasm Cave.

coro EVENT_M18_01

Hero and partner exits Chasm Cave and finds a frozen waterfall. Hero touches the waterfall to trigger the Dimenshional Scream but nothing happened. After that, they decide to go onward and arrive to Dark Hill.

coro EVENT_M18_02

Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Dark Hill.

coro EVENT_M18_03

Called if the player faints in the Dark Hill.

coro EVENT_M18_04_05

Hero and partner exits Dark Hill. Partner broke down, they missed everyone from the past. Hero encourages partner to go find Grovyle and return back to their world. Hero and partner arrives to Sealed Ruins.

coro EVENT_M18_06

Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Sealed Ruins.

coro EVENT_M18_07

Called if the player faints in the Sealed Ruins.

coro EVENT_M18_08

"Would you like to go on?" message.

coro EVENT_M18_09

Hero and partner enters Sealed Ruins Pit. Meanwhile, Grovyle exits Sealed Ruins Pit. He thinks about how hero and partner are doing, but decides that it isn't the time. He decides to go on, but suddenly, he was stopped by Spiritomb.

coro EVENT_M18_10

Called if the player faints in the Sealed Ruins Pit.

coro EVENT_M18_11

Hero and partner exits Sealed Ruins Pit and encounters Grovyle. Suddenly, Spiritomb appear. They see hero and partner as intruders and attacks them.

coro EVENT_M18_12

Hero and partner fights Spiritomb. Called if the player got defeated in this fight at least once.

coro EVENT_M18_13_14

Hero and partner defeats Spiritomb. Spiritomb escapes, returning to Grovyle the control of his body. Grovyle says, that there are a lot of pokemon that should've been good, but the darkness of the world made them bitter and twisted. Trio moves on. Grovyle tells to hero and partner that Dusknoir is actually a Dialga's agent who got sent to get rid of him. After telling that, he goes off to find Celebi. Hero and partner decides to catch up to Grovyle.

coro EVENT_M19_01_02

Dusknoir asks Dialga for help. Grovyle, hero and partner arrives to Dusk Forest to search for Celebi, that sent Grovyle to the past. Hero starts to have a strange sensation.

coro EVENT_M19_03

Partner asks hero whether they're ready to go to Dusk Forest.

coro EVENT_M19_04

Partner asks Grovyle if he'll continue stealing Time Gears, to which he answered yes. Partner says that he'll stop Grovyle if it turns out that Time Gears are unneded to save the world. Grovyle enters Dusk Forest. Hero realizes that he had that strange sensation in Foggy Forest. Hero and partner enters Dusk Forest.

coro EVENT_M19_05

Called if the player faints in Dusk Forest.

coro EVENT_M19_06_07

Grovyle, hero and partner finds Celebi. She tells them where the Passage of Time is. Everyone goes to Deep Dusk Forest where Celebi tolds partner and hero what exactly is the Passage of Time.

coro EVENT_M19_08

Partner asks everyone whether they're ready to go to Deep Dusk Forest.

coro EVENT_M19_09

Called if the player faints in Deep Dusk Forest.

coro EVENT_M19_10

Hero, partner, Grovyle and Celebi exits Deep Dusk Forest and arrives to Passage of Time. Suddenly, they all became surrounded by Dusknoir and Sableye. Grovyle tells that he has a friend, a human, who's in the past. But Dusknoir reveals, that said human is hero. Partner asks Celebi to use a Time Travel. Celebi uses it, but Dialga interrupts it. However, that time travel transported hero, partner, Grovyle in Celebi in just enough distance for all of them(except Celebi) to run through the Passage of Time.

coro EVENT_M20_01_04

coro EVENT_M20_05

coro EVENT_M20_06

coro EVENT_M20_07_09

coro EVENT_M21_01_03

coro EVENT_M21_04

coro EVENT_M21_05

coro EVENT_M21_06

coro EVENT_M22_01_02

coro EVENT_M22_03

coro EVENT_M22_04

coro EVENT_M22_05

coro EVENT_M22_06

coro EVENT_M22_07

coro EVENT_M22_08

coro EVENT_M22_09_10

coro EVENT_M22_11

coro EVENT_M23_01_02

coro EVENT_M23_03

coro EVENT_M23_04A

coro EVENT_M23_04B

coro EVENT_M23_05

coro EVENT_M23_06

coro EVENT_M23_07

coro EVENT_M23_08

coro EVENT_M23_09_10

coro EVENT_M24_01_03

coro EVENT_M24_04

coro EVENT_M24_05

coro EVENT_M24_06

coro EVENT_M24_07

coro EVENT_M24_08

coro EVENT_M24_09

coro EVENT_M24_10

coro EVENT_M24_11

coro EVENT_M25_01_05

coro EVENT_M25_06

coro EVENT_M25_07

coro EVENT_M25_08

coro EVENT_M25_09

coro EVENT_M25_10

coro EVENT_M25_11

coro EVENT_M25_12

coro EVENT_M26_01_08

coro EVENT_S01_01

coro EVENT_S01_02

coro EVENT_S01_03

coro EVENT_S01_04

coro EVENT_S01_05

coro EVENT_S01_06

coro EVENT_S01_07

coro EVENT_S01_08

coro EVENT_S01_09_10

coro EVENT_S01_12

coro EVENT_S02_01

coro EVENT_S02_02

coro EVENT_S02_03

coro EVENT_S02_04

coro EVENT_S02_05

coro EVENT_S02_06

coro EVENT_S02_07

coro EVENT_S02_08

coro EVENT_S02_09

coro EVENT_S02_10

coro EVENT_S03_01

coro EVENT_S03_02

coro EVENT_S03_03

coro EVENT_S03_04

coro EVENT_S03_05

coro EVENT_S03_06

coro EVENT_S03_07

coro EVENT_S03_08

coro EVENT_S03_09

coro EVENT_S03_10

coro EVENT_S03_11

coro EVENT_S03_12

coro EVENT_S03_13

coro EVENT_S03_14

coro EVENT_S03_15

coro EVENT_S03_16

coro EVENT_S03_17_20

coro EVENT_S03_18

coro EVENT_S03_19

coro EVENT_S04_01

coro EVENT_S04_02

coro EVENT_S04_03

coro EVENT_S04_04

coro EVENT_S04_05

coro EVENT_S04_06_07

coro EVENT_S04_08

coro EVENT_S04_09

coro EVENT_S04_10

coro EVENT_S04_11

coro EVENT_S04_12

coro EVENT_S04_13

coro EVENT_S04_14

coro EVENT_S04_15

coro EVENT_S04_16

coro EVENT_S04_17

coro EVENT_S04_18

coro EVENT_S04_19

coro EVENT_S04_20

coro EVENT_S04_21

coro EVENT_S04_22

coro EVENT_S04_23

coro EVENT_S04_24

coro EVENT_S11_01

coro EVENT_S12_01

coro EVENT_S12_02

coro EVENT_S12_03

coro EVENT_S12_04

coro EVENT_S12_05

coro EVENT_S12_06

coro EVENT_S12_07

coro EVENT_S12_08

coro EVENT_S12_09

coro EVENT_S12_10

coro EVENT_S12_11

coro EVENT_S12_12

coro EVENT_S12_13

coro EVENT_S12_14

coro EVENT_S12_15

coro EVENT_S12_16

coro EVENT_S12_17

coro EVENT_S12_18

coro EVENT_S12_19

coro EVENT_S12_20

coro EVENT_S12_21

coro EVENT_S20_01

coro EVENT_S20_02

coro EVENT_S20_03

coro EVENT_S20_04_05

coro EVENT_S20_06

coro EVENT_S20_08

coro EVENT_S20_09

coro EVENT_S20_10

coro EVENT_S20_11

coro EVENT_S21_01

coro EVENT_S21_02

coro EVENT_S21_03

coro EVENT_S21_04_06

coro EVENT_S21_07

coro EVENT_S21_08

coro EVENT_S21_09

coro EVENT_S21_10

coro EVENT_S21_11

coro EVENT_S21_12

coro EVENT_S21_13

coro EVENT_S22_01_04

coro EVENT_S22_05

coro EVENT_S22_06

coro EVENT_S22_07

coro EVENT_S22_08

coro EVENT_S22_09

coro EVENT_S22_10

coro EVENT_S22_11

coro EVENT_S22_12

coro EVENT_S22_13

coro EVENT_S22_14_15

coro EVENT_S23_01

coro EVENT_S30_01

coro EVENT_S30_02

coro EVENT_S30_03

Introduces Project P to the player for the first time. Begins when the player enters the crossroads under a certain $SCENARIO_MAIN value.

coro EVENT_S30_04

Plays when speaking to Wynaut in the recycle shop if $SUB30_TREASURE_DISCOVER is enabled.

Will initiate S30A0401, which tells the player Project P discovered new treasure.

coro EVENT_S30_05

Plays when speaking to Wobbuffet in the recycle shop, initiating S30A0501.

coro EVENT_S30_06

Plays when speaking to Wynaut in the recycle shop to run the normal recycle menu, initiating S30A0601.

coro EVENT_S30_07

Plays when speaking to Spinda in the recycle shop, initiating S30A0701.

coro EVENT_S31_01

coro EVENT_S31_02

coro EVENT_S31_03

coro EVENT_S31_04

coro EVENT_S31_05

coro EVENT_S31_06

coro EVENT_S31_07

coro EVENT_S31_08

coro EVENT_S31_09

coro EVENT_S31_10

coro EVENT_S31_11

coro EVENT_S31_12

coro EVENT_S31_13

coro EVENT_S31_14

coro EVENT_S31_15

coro EVENT_S31_16

coro EVENT_S31_17

coro EVENT_S31_18

coro EVENT_S31_19

coro EVENT_S31_20

coro EVENT_S31_21

coro EVENT_S31_22

coro EVENT_S31_23

coro EVENT_S31_24

coro EVENT_S31_25

coro EVENT_S31_26

coro EVENT_S31_27

coro EVENT_S31_28

coro EVENT_S31_29

coro EVENT_S31_30

coro EVENT_S31_31

coro EVENT_S31_32

coro EVENT_S31_33

coro EVENT_S31_34

coro EVENT_S31_35

coro EVENT_S31_36

coro EVENT_S31_37

coro EVENT_S31_38

coro EVENT_S31_39

coro EVENT_S31_40

coro EVENT_S32_01

coro EVENT_S32_02

coro EVENT_S32_03

coro EVENT_S32_04

coro EVENT_N00_01

Called if the player goes to Guildmaster's Chamber after unlocking Star Cave Depths

coro EVENT_N01_01

Bidoof introduces yourself to the player

coro EVENT_N01_02

Called if the player tries to interact with Job Bulletin Board in Special Episode 1.

coro EVENT_N01_03

Called if the player tries to interact with Outlaw Notice Board in Special Episode 1.

coro EVENT_N01_04

coro EVENT_N01_05_07

coro EVENT_N01_08

coro EVENT_N01_09



coro EVENT_N01_14

coro EVENT_N01_15

coro EVENT_N01_16

coro EVENT_N01_17

coro EVENT_N01_18

coro EVENT_N01_19

coro EVENT_N01_19_2

coro EVENT_N01_20

coro EVENT_N01_21

coro EVENT_N01_22

coro EVENT_N01_23

coro EVENT_N01_24

coro EVENT_N01_25

See coro EVENT_N01_24.

coro EVENT_N01_27

coro EVENT_N01_28

coro EVENT_N01_30

coro EVENT_N01_31

coro EVENT_N02_01

coro EVENT_N02_02

coro EVENT_N02_03

coro EVENT_N02_04

coro EVENT_N02_05

coro EVENT_N02_06_07

coro EVENT_N02_08

coro EVENT_N02_09_10

coro EVENT_N03_01

coro EVENT_N03_02

coro EVENT_N03_03

coro EVENT_N03_04

coro EVENT_N03_05

coro EVENT_N03_06_07

coro EVENT_N03_08

coro EVENT_N03_09

coro EVENT_N03_10

coro EVENT_N03_11

coro EVENT_N03_12

coro EVENT_N03_13

coro EVENT_N03_14

coro EVENT_N03_15_16

coro EVENT_N03_17

coro EVENT_N03_18

coro EVENT_N03_19

coro EVENT_N04_01

coro EVENT_N04_02

coro EVENT_N04_03

coro EVENT_N04_04

coro EVENT_N04_05

coro EVENT_N04_06

coro EVENT_N04_07

coro EVENT_N04_08

coro EVENT_N04_09

coro EVENT_N04_10

coro EVENT_N04_11

coro EVENT_N04_12

coro EVENT_N04_13

coro EVENT_N04_14

coro EVENT_N04_15

coro EVENT_N04_16

coro EVENT_N04_17

coro EVENT_N04_18

coro EVENT_N04_19

coro EVENT_N04_20

coro EVENT_N04_21

coro EVENT_N04_22

coro EVENT_N04_23

coro EVENT_N04_24

coro EVENT_N04_25

coro EVENT_N04_26

coro EVENT_N06_01_02

coro EVENT_N06_03

coro EVENT_N06_04

coro EVENT_N06_05_07

coro EVENT_N06_08

coro EVENT_N06_09

coro EVENT_N06_10

coro EVENT_N06_11

coro EVENT_N06_12

coro EVENT_N06_13

coro EVENT_N06_14

coro EVENT_N06_15

coro EVENT_N06_16

coro EVENT_N06_17

coro EVENT_N06_18_19

coro EVENT_N06_20

coro EVENT_N06_21

coro EVENT_N06_22

coro EVENT_N06_23

coro EVENT_N06_24

coro EVENT_N06_25

coro EVENT_N06_26

coro EVENT_N06_27

coro EVENT_N06_28

coro EVENT_N06_29

coro EVENT_N06_30

coro EVENT_N06_31

coro EVENT_N06_32

coro EVENT_N06_33

coro EVENT_N06_34

coro EVENT_N06_35

coro EVENT_N06_36

coro EVENT_N06_37

coro EVENT_N06_38

coro EVENT_N06_39

coro EVENT_N08_01_02

coro EVENT_N08_03

coro EVENT_N08_04

coro EVENT_N08_05

coro EVENT_N08_06

coro EVENT_N08_07

coro EVENT_N08_08

coro EVENT_N08_09

coro EVENT_N08_10

coro EVENT_N08_11

coro EVENT_N08_12

coro EVENT_N08_13

coro EVENT_N08_14

coro EVENT_N08_15

coro EVENT_N08_16

coro EVENT_N08_17

coro EVENT_N08_18

coro EVENT_N08_19

coro EVENT_N08_20

coro EVENT_N08_21

coro EVENT_N08_22

coro EVENT_N08_23

coro EVENT_N08_24

coro EVENT_N08_25

coro EVENT_N08_26

coro EVENT_N08_27

coro EVENT_N08_28

coro EVENT_N08_29

coro EVENT_N08_30

coro EVENT_N09_01

coro EVENT_N09_02

coro EVENT_N09_03

coro EVENT_N09_04

coro EVENT_N09_05

coro EVENT_N09_06

coro EVENT_N09_07

coro EVENT_N09_08

coro EVENT_N09_09

coro EVENT_N09_10

coro EVENT_N09_11

coro EVENT_N09_12

coro EVENT_N09_13

coro EVENT_N09_14

coro EVENT_N09_15

coro EVENT_N09_16

coro EVENT_N09_17

coro EVENT_N09_18

coro EVENT_N09_19

coro EVENT_N09_20

coro EVENT_N09_21

coro EVENT_N09_22

coro EVENT_TG01

Unlocking Mt. Avalanche.

coro EVENT_TG02

Unlocking Giant Volcano.

coro EVENT_TG03

Unlocking Shimmer Desert.

coro EVENT_TG04

Unlocking Bottomless Sea.

coro EVENT_TG05

Unlocking World Abyss.

coro EVENT_TG06

Unlocking Mystery Jungle.

coro EVENT_TG07

Unlocking Sky Stairway.

coro EVENT_TG08

Unlocking Serenity River.

coro EVENT_TG09

Unlocking Landslide Cave.

coro EVENT_TG10

Unlocking Lush Prairie.

coro EVENT_TG11

Unlocking Tiny Meadow.

coro EVENT_TG12

Unlocking Labyrinth Cave.

coro EVENT_TG13

Unlocking Oran Forest.

coro EVENT_TG14

Unlocking Lake Afar.

coro EVENT_TG15

Unlocking Happy Outlook.

coro EVENT_TG16

Unlocking Mt. Mistral.

coro EVENT_TG17

Unlocking Shimmer Hill.

coro EVENT_TG18

Unlocking Lost Wilderness.

coro EVENT_TG19

Unlocking Midnight Forest.

coro EVENT_TG20

Unlocking Star Cave.

coro EVENT_TG21

Only contains return;

coro EVENT_TG22

Only contains return;

coro EVENT_TG23

Only contains return;

coro EVENT_TG24

Only contains return;

coro EVENT_MEND_01


coro EVENT_MEND_02



Fades the screen in.


Fades the screen in. Doesn't have screen_FadeInAll


Called when the player chooses the dungeon with dungeon_mode set to DMODE_CLOSE or DMODE_OPEN in Crossroads. Used for showing a cutscene where partner tells hero that they need to go to dungeon together without bringing anyone.




Called when the player chooses the dungeon with dungeon_mode set to DMODE_OPEN_AND_REQUEST in Crossroads. Used for showing cutscene wher Igglybuff leave the house in Special Episode 2,


Called when the player chooses a dungeon in dojo. Fades the BGM out, then continues on with entering a dungeon.


Fades the BGM out, then continues on with entering a dungeon.


Fades the BGM out, then continues on with entering a dungeon.


Fades the BGM out, then continues on with entering a dungeon.


Called when the player go to the dungeon with dungeon_mode set to DMODE_CLOSE or DMODE_OPEN after the Wonder Map cutscene.


Called when the player go to the dungeon with dungeon_mode set to DMODE_REQUEST or DMODE_OPEN_AND_REQUEST after the Wonder Map cutscene.


Fades the BGM out, then enters the dungeon.




Fades the BGM out, then enters the dungeon.


Fades the BGM out, then enters the dungeon.


Called after finishing(or fainting in) the dungeon with dungeon_mode set to DMODE_OPEN or DMODE_CLOSED.


Called after finishing(or fainting in) the dungeon with dungeon_mode set to DMODE_OPEN_AND_REQUEST or DMODE_REQUEST.


Called if the player fainted in the dungeon with dungeon mode set to DMODE_REQUEST or DMODE_OPEN_AND_REQUEST and if the player had no active missions in that dungeon.


Called if the player finished the dungeon with dungeon mode set to DMODE_REQUEST or DMODE_OPEN_AND_REQUEST and if the player had no active missions in that dungeon.


Called after the dojo dungeons. Shows The Last Outing screen and jumps to coro EVENT_M00_09.


Checks if the player finished a dungeon (or escaped), gives a reward if a mission was done(using a debug Script Scene T00P01) and jumps to EVENT_DIVIDE. If the player fainted, it shows an exploration results screen and jumps to EVENT_DIVIDE.


Called after choosing a dungeon in Crossroads. Shows a Wonder Map and a character that's going from Treasure Town to the chosen dungeon.


Do nothing.












Does nothing.


Closes the textbox, waits 10 frames, then returns. Should be called with CallCommon


Loads a sector of the Enter script(1 in the main game, 21 in Special Episode 1, 31 in Special Episode 2, 41 in Special Episode 3, 61 in Special Episode 4, 51 in Special Episode 5) and moves the camera to the player's actor. This coroutine is used for Cutscene -> Overworld transitions.


Moves the camera to the player's actor, but doesn't load any Enter scene's sectors. This coroutine is used for Cutscene -> Overworld transitions.


Loads sector 1 of the Enter script and moves the camera to the player's actor. This coroutine is used for Cutscene -> Overworld transitions. Uses ACTOR_PLAYER_APPOINT instead of ACTOR_PLAYER.


Moves the camera to the player's actor, but doesn't load any Enter scene's sectors. This coroutine is used for Cutscene -> Overworld transitions. Uses ACTOR_PLAYER_APPOINT instead of ACTOR_PLAYER.


Called right before entering a dungeon with the boss fight


Fades the bottom screen out. To fade it in, use screen_FadeInAll.


Fades the bottom screen out. To fade it in, use screen_FadeIn.


Fades out the Top Screen, changes it's mode to 0(no mode, clears the top screen), then returns.


Defines whether you'll get a client in cafe and/or a bottle in a beach.


Called if the debug mode is on. Asks player whether they want to force a bottle and a client to appear.


Called when the player starts climbing Sky Peak or uses Drifblim Gondola. Randomly determines whether to spawn NPCs that can give Sky Gift, request an item or request an item swap, and in what station clearing to spawn them.


Test of the intro cutscene.


Plays a cutscene where Krabby starts to blow bubbles.

Is unused outside of debug mode!


Plays every cutscene where the clouds lifts over every part of the Wonder Map.