List of Script Locations

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This page matches scene and script names with a description so they can be recognized more easily.

Common scenes

The following scripts are classified as common scenes. These are scripts that are used across multiple chapters:

(G01P04A) (c00a0101) - The morning cheers

(G01P07A) (c00a0201) - Loudred’s alarm

(G01P07C) (c00a0301) - Partner says goodnight to hero

(G01P04A) (c00a0401) - Mission failed

(G01P04A) (c00a0501) - Chimecho announces dinner is ready

(G01P06B) (c00a0601) - Dinner

(S04P01A) (c00a0701) - Dimensional Scream beginning animation

(G01P04A) (c00a0801) - The morning cheers (with Team Skull)

(G01P06B) (c00a0901) - Dinner (with Team Skull)

(H01P99A) (c00a1001) - End of day (after graduation)

(H01P99A) (c00a1101) - New day (after graduation)

(P14P01A) (c00a1201) - Luminous Spring (only contains script command “alias previous”)

(P14P01A) (c00a1301) - Luminous Spring (only contains script command “end”)

(P14P01A) (c00a1401) - Same as c00a1301

(G01P04A) (c00a1501) - Chatot tells Hero & Partner to look at the noticeboards

(G01P04A) (c00a1601) - Chatot tells Hero & Partner that they’re on sentry duty

(G01P04A) (c00a1701) - Sentry duty performance

(S00P01A) (partner) - Script for Partner overworld conversations, part 1

(S00P01A) (partner2) - Script for Partner overworld conversations, part 2

(S04P01A) (c00a1701) - Dimension scream ending animation (NOTE: same as sentry duty for some reason)

Field scenes

The following scripts are classified as field scenes. These are scripts that are not tied to any particular chapter event and are listed separately in events within unionall.ssb with labels starting with “EVENT_M00”:

(G01P03A) (m00p0101.ssb) - Chimecho’s Assembly opens

(G01P04A) (m00p0201.ssb) - Croagunk’s Swap Shop opens

(P01P01A) (m00p0301.ssb) - Chimecho announces the team can switch leaders (Part 1)

(G01P03A) (m00p0302.ssb) - Chimecho announces the team can switch leaders (Part 2)

(H01P99A) (m00p0401.ssb) - Dugtrio hears the call of the sea telling him to get back to work (only activates if you talk to Dugtrio on the second in-game day of Chapter 13)

(T01P03A) (m00p0501.ssb) - First visit to Marowak Dojo

(T01P01A) (m00p0601.ssb) - Marowak Dojo Final Maze opens (Part 1)

(T01P03A) (m00p0602.ssb) - Marowak Dojo Final Maze opens (Part 2)

(P01P01A) (m00p0701.ssb) - Going to Mystifying Forest if outside team members are in party

(P01P01A) (m00p0801.ssb) - Not meeting team conditions for Mt. Travail story dungeon scenario

(T01P03A) (m00p0901.ssb) - Marowak Dojo completion/failure scripts

(P01P01A) (m00p1001.ssb) - Calling Chimecho at the crossroads

(P01P02A) (m00p1201.ssb) - Krabby tells of messages in a bottle washing up on the beach

(P01P01A) (m00p1301.ssb) - Chimecho announces team members wait at Spinda’s Café

(T01P01A) (m00p1401.ssb) - The Ursarings tell Hero and Partner they can evolve

Chapter 1: A Storm at Sea

Chapter 1 (S04P01A) (m01a0101.ssb) - Hero and Grovyle adrift in the time vortex

Chapter 1 (V01P07B) (m01d0112.ssb) - Visual of the stormy sea

Chapter 1 (V01P01A) (m01a0102.ssb) - Visual of lightning crashing over Sharpedo Bluff

Chapter 1 (D01P11A) (m01a0103.ssb) - Hero Lands on Beach

Chapter 1 (G01P01B) (m01a0104.ssb) - Partner stands at Wigglytuff's Guild

Chapter 1 (D01P11B) (m01a0201.ssb) - Establishing shot over the beach (Blank scene with no actors)

Chapter 1 (V01P04B) (m01a0202.ssb) - Visual of Krabby blowing bubbles 1

Chapter 1 (V01P05B) (m01a0203.ssb) - Visual of Krabby blowing bubbles 2

Chapter 1 (D01P11B) (m01a0204.ssb) - Partner admires the view of the ocean

Chapter 1 (V26P05A) (m01a0205.ssb) - Visual of the bubbles shining in the sunset over the ocean

Chapter 1 (D01P11B) (m01a0206.ssb) - Partner monologuing on beach

Chapter 1 (V26P05A) (m01a0207.ssb) - Copy of m01a0205

Chapter 1 (D01P11B) (m01a0208.ssb) - Partner finds hero on beach & Koffing and Zubat steal Relic Fragment

Chapter 1 (D01P11B) (m01a0301.ssb) - Failing Beach Cave

Chapter 1 (D01P41A) (m01a0401.ssb) - Bottom of Beach Cave Pit (Pre fight)

Chapter 1 (D01P41A) (m01a0501.ssb) - Bottom of Beach Cave Pit (Pre fight, if you lost previously)

Chapter 1 (D01P41A) (m01a0601.ssb) - Bottom of Beach Cave Pit (Standard dungeon clear)

Chapter 1 (D01P41A) (m01a0701.ssb) - Bottom of Beach Cave Pit (Post fight)

Chapter 1 (D01P11B) (m01a0702.ssb) - Outside on the Beach (After the fight)

Chapter 1 (S11P02C) (t01p0801.ssb) - Title screen

Chapter 2: The Guild's new Recruits

Chapter 2 (G01P01B) (m02a0101.ssb) - Chapter 2 starts, outside Wigglytuff's Guild

Chapter 2 (V02P03A) (m02a0104.ssb) - Diglett is confused

Chapter 2 (G01P01B) (m02a0105.ssb) - Loudred allows entry

Chapter 2 (G01P02A) (m02a0106.ssb) - Entry Level

Chapter 2 (G01P03A) (m02a0108.ssb) - Middle Level, Meeting Chatot

Chapter 2 (G01P04A) (m02a0109.ssb) - Lowest Level, Being led to Wigglytuff’s room

Chapter 2 (G01P05A) (m02a0110.ssb) - Wigglytuff's room, exploration team registration

Chapter 2 (G01P07A) (m02a0111.ssb) - Chatot shows Hero and Partner their room

Chapter 2 (G01P07C) (m02a0113.ssb) - The first night in their new room

Chapter 2 (G01P07A) (m02a0201.ssb) - The next morning (Hero and Partner's room), Loudred’s wake-up alarm

Chapter 2 (G01P04A) (m02a0202.ssb) - Lowest Level (Morning address)

Chapter 2 (G01P04A) (m02a0301.ssb) - Chatot asks you to follow him

Chapter 2 (G01P03A) (m02a0302.ssb) - First introduction to the bulletin board

Chapter 2 (D02P11A) (m02a0401.ssb) - Start of Drenched Bluff (Also includes separate script for the start of the demo version)

Chapter 2 (G01P03A) (m02a0501.ssb) - Failing Drenched Bluff (Also includes separate script for the end of the demo version)

Chapter 2 (G01P07C) (m02a0601.ssb) - Failing Drenched Bluff again (Hero & Partner’s room)

Chapter 2 (G01P04C) (m02a0602.ssb) - Failing Drenched Bluff again (Outside Wigglytuff’s room)

Chapter 2 (G01P05C) (m02a0603.ssb) - Failing Drenched Bluff again (Wigglytuff’s room)

Chapter 2 (D02P11A) (m02a0701.ssb) - Start of Drenched Bluff (if you failed previously)

Chapter 2 (D02P31A) (m02a0801.ssb) - Bottom of Drenched Bluff (Also includes separate script for the end of the demo version)

Chapter 2 (G01P03A) (m02a1001.ssb) - Back at the guild (mission complete)

Chapter 2 (G01P07C) (m02a1003.ssb) - Hero and Partner's room (chatting)

Chapter 3: The Scream

Chapter 3 (G01P04A) (m03a0101.ssb) - Chatot spots you wandering

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a0102.ssb) - Chatot directs you to the outlaw board, Meeting Bidoof

Chapter 3 (G01P04A) (m03a0105.ssb) - Bidoof gives tour in lower level of guild

Chapter 3 (G01P01A) (m03a0106.ssb) - Walking out of the guild

Chapter 3 (P01P01A) (m00p1101.ssb) - Bidoof guides you around the crossroads

Chapter 3 (T01P01A) (m03a0107.ssb) - Bidoof guides you around Treasure Town

Chapter 3 (T01P02A) (m03a0108.ssb) - Bidoof guides you around Treasure Town (Part 2)

Chapter 3 (T01P01A) (m03a0109.ssb) - Tour with Bidoof ends

Chapter 3 (T01P01A) (m03a0201.ssb) - Leaving Treasure Town before visiting Kecleon

Chapter 3 (T01P02A) (m03a0301.ssb) - Hero and partner meet Marill and Azurill

Chapter 3 (T01P02A) (m03d0313.ssb) - Dimensional Scream scene (Azurill shouting)

Chapter 3 (T01P02A) (m03d0314.ssb) - Hero questions what he just saw

Chapter 3 (TO1P01A) (m03a0401.ssb) - Hero and Partner meet Drowzee

Chapter 3 (D03P41A) (m03d0812.ssb) - Dimensional Scream scene (Drowzee and Azurill)

Chapter 3 (TO1P01A) (m03a0403.ssb) - Hero tells Partner about vision

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a0501.ssb) - Player speaks to Bidoof

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a0502.ssb) - Picking your first criminal (Guild)

Chapter 3 (V03P03A) (m03a0505.ssb) - Dugtrio updates board

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a0506.ssb) - Drowzee discovered as a criminal

Chapter 3 (P01P01A) (m03a0511.ssb) - Hero and Partner spot Marill outside Guild

Chapter 3 (D03P11A) (m03a0601.ssb) - Foot of Mt. Bristle

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a0701.ssb) - Failing Mt. Bristle (End of day)

Chapter 3 (G01P04A) (m03a0702.ssb) - Failing Mt. Bristle (After morning cheers)

Chapter 3 (D03P41A) (m03a0801.ssb) - Drowzee pre-boss fight

Chapter 3 (D03P41A) (m03a0901.ssb) - Drowzee pre-boss fight (if you failed previously)

Chapter 3 (D03P41A) (m03d0813.ssb) - Referenced in unionall.ssb but does not exist in scene list

Chapter 3 (D03P41A) (m03a1001.ssb) - Azurill is rescued

Chapter 3 (D03P11A) (m03a1002.ssb) - Drowzee is arrested

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a1201.ssb) - Back to the guild

Chapter 3 (G01P03A) (m03a1203.ssb) - Hero recalling the use of his dimensional scream

Chapter 3 (V03P05C) (m03a1301.ssb) - Thunderstorm visual 1

Chapter 3 (G01P07C) (m03a1302.ssb) - Hero and partner's room (talking about the weather)

Chapter 3 (V03P05C) (m03a1303.ssb) - Thunderstorm visual 2

Chapter 3 (G01P07C) (m03a1304.ssb) - Partner begins to explain about Time Gears

Chapter 3 (V03P06A) (m03a1305.ssb) - Forest Time Gear scene

Chapter 3 (V03P07A) (m03a1306.ssb) - Underground cavern Time Gear scene

Chapter 3 (V03P08A) (m03a1307.ssb) - Fire altar Time Gear scene

Chapter 3 (V03P09A) (m03a1308.ssb) - Hero and partner's room (Time Gear talk)

Chapter 3 (V03P05C) (m03a1309.ssb) - Thunderstorm visual 3

Chapter 3 (V03P11A) (m03a1310.ssb) - Groyvle dashing through Treeshroud Forest

Chapter 3 (G01P07C) (m03a1311.ssb) - Hero asks what happens if a time gear is removed

Chapter 3 (V03P11A) (m03a1312.ssb) - Partner says he doesn't know / Grovyle continues through Treeshroud Forest

Chapter 3 (V03P06A) (m03a1313.ssb) - Partner speculates / Grovyle reaches the Time Gear

Chapter 3 (V03P12A) (m03a1314.ssb) - Grovyle monologues about finding Time Gear

Chapter 4: The Gatekeepers

Chapter 4 (G01P04A) (m04a0101.ssb) - Loudred calls over the two for sentry duty

Chapter 4 (G01P01B) (m02d0112.ssb) - Flashback: Partner steps on sentry gate

Chapter 4 (G01P01B) (m04a0103.ssb) - Partner remembers footprint activity

Chapter 4 (G01P04A) (m04a0104.ssb) - Partner asks for instructions

Chapter 4 (V04P01A) (m04a0105.ssb) - Animation of Diglett's work

Chapter 4 (G01P04A) (m04a0106.ssb) - Partner and Hero get told how the job works

Chapter 4 (S08P01A) (QUIZ01.ssb) - Footprint game

Chapter 4 (G01P04A) (m04a0201.ssb) - Chatot's review of your performance

Chapter 4 (G01P06A) (m04a0301.ssb) - Eating scene (if you fail sentry duty)

Chapter 4 (G01P07C) (m04a0302.ssb) - Loudred gets angry with you (if you fail sentry duty)

Chapter 5: The First Official Exploration

Chapter 5 (G01P04A) (m05a0101.ssb) - Chatot informs you that a time gear has been stolen

Chapter 5 (V05P01A) (m05a0102.ssb) - Scene shift to Treeshroud Forest

Chapter 5 (V05P02A) (m05a0103.ssb) - Treeshroud Forest scene part 2

Chapter 5 (G01P04A) (m05a0104.ssb) - Chatot tells everyone to stay on guard then calls hero and partner over

Chapter 5 (S01P01A) (m05a0202.ssb) - Chatot asks you to open your Wonder Map

Chapter 5 (G01P04A) (m05a0203.ssb) - Chatot dismisses hero and partner

Chapter 5 (P01P02A) (m00p1201.ssb) - Krabby mentions “message in a bottle” missions

Chapter 5 (D04P11A) (m05a0301.ssb) - Hero and partner arrive at the waterfall

Chapter 5 (D04P11A) (m05d0314.ssb) - VIsion of Wigglytuff jumping into the waterfall

Chapter 5 (D04P12A) (m05a0302.ssb) - Vision of Wigglytuff on the other side of the waterfall

Chapter 5 (D04P11A) (m05a0303.ssb) - Hero and partner jump into the waterfall

Chapter 5 (D04P12A) (m05a0304.ssb) - Both arrive on the other side of the waterfall

Chapter 5 (G01P07A) (m05a0401.ssb) - Failing Waterfall Cave (End of day)

Chapter 5 (D04P11A) (m05a0501.ssb) - Jumping into the waterfall (if you failed previously)

Chapter 5 (D04P12A) (m05a0502.ssb) - Other side of the waterfall (if you failed previously)

Chapter 5 (D04P31A) (m05a0601.ssb) - Hero and partner get to the bottom of the cave

Chapter 5 (D04P31A) (m05d0614.ssb) - Vision of Wigglytuff jumping into the waterfall (short version)

Chapter 5 (D04P31A) (m05d0615.ssb) - Vision of Wigglytuff pushing the gem

Chapter 5 (D04P31A) (m05d0616.ssb) - Partner pushes the gem

Chapter 5 (V05P03A) (m05a0602.ssb) - Hero and partner blasted into the sky

Chapter 5 (P02P01A) (m05a0603.ssb) - Hero and partner land in the Hot Spring

Chapter 5 (S01P01A) (m05a0604.ssb) - Torkoal explains their location

Chapter 5 (P02P01A) (m05a0606.ssb) - Torkoal tells Hero & Partner to relax in the Hot Spring

Chapter 5 (G01P04A) (m05a0701.ssb) - Reporting back to Chatot at the Guild

Chapter 5 (S02P01A) (m05a0704.ssb) - Hero thinks that he saw Wigglytuff in his vision

Chapter 5 (G01P04A) (m05a0705.ssb) - Chatot confirms that Wigglytuff had already visited the dungeon

Chapter 5 (G01P07C) (m05a0802.ssb) - Hero and Partner start to talk about their day

Chapter 5 (D04P11A) (m05d0335.ssb) - Flashback: Partner finds his courage

Chapter 5 (G01P07C) (m05a0804.ssb) - Partner wonders about how Dimensional Scream works

Chapter 5 (T01P02A) (m03d0312.ssb) - Flashback: Azurill drops his Apple

Chapter 5 (G01P07C) (m05a0806.ssb) - Hero thinks back to meeting Drowzee

Chapter 5 (T01P01A) (m03d0412.ssb) - Flashback: Drowzee bumps into hero

Chapter 5 (G01P07C) (m05a0808.ssb) - Hero thinks back to Waterfall Cave

Chapter 5 (D04P11A) (m05d0312.ssb) - Flashback: Touching the waterfall

Chapter 5 (D04P31A) (m05d0612.ssb) - Flashback: Pulling the large gem

Chapter 5 (G01P07C) (m05a0811.ssb) - Hero and Partner continue to speculate about Dimensional Scream

Chapter 5 (G01P05C) (m05a0911.ssb) - Wigglytuff tells Hero and Partner about expedition

Chapter 6: Team Skull

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m06a0101.ssb) - Expedition announcement

Chapter 6 (G01P03A) (m06a0201.ssb) - Hero and Partner spot Koffing & Zubat at notice boards

Chapter 6 (D01P41A) (m01d0712.ssb) - Flashback: Koffing & Zubat defeated

Chapter 6 (G01P03A) (m06a0203.ssb) - Skuntank arrives at the Guild

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m06a0301.ssb) - Chatot tells Hero & Partner to look at the job boards

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m06a0401.ssb) - Loudred calls Hero & Partner over for sentry duty

Chapter 6 (V04P01A) (m06a0402.ssb) - Explanation of sentry duty

Chapter 6 (V04P01A) (m06a0403.ssb) - Start sentry duty or explain again?

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m06a0501.ssb) - Chatot announces Team Skull joining the guild

Chapter 6 (G01P06B) (m07a0101.ssb) - The guild eat dinner

Chapter 6 (G01P07A) (m07a0201.ssb) - Team Skull plan to raid the guild’s food

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m07a0301.ssb) - Chatot asks Hero & Partner to get Perfect Apples

Chapter 6 (D05P11A) (m07a0401.ssb) - Entering Apple Woods

Chapter 6 (G01P03A) (m07a0501.ssb) - Failing Apple Woods (End of day)

Chapter 6 (D05P11A) (m07a0601.ssb) - Entering Apple Woods (if you failed previously)

Chapter 6 (D05P31A) (m07a0701.ssb) - Team Skull steal the Perfect Apples

Chapter 6 (G01P03A) (m07a0801.ssb) - Chatot punishes Hero & Partner

Chapter 6 (G01P06B) (m07a0901.ssb) - Hero & Partner go without dinner

Chapter 6 (G01P05C) (m07a1001.ssb) - Wigglytuff’s rage / Team Skull save the day

Chapter 6 (G01P07A) (m07a1101.ssb) - Skuntank explains why he gave Wigglytuff the Perfect Apple

Chapter 6 (G01P07C) (m07a1201.ssb) - Hero & Partner reflect on the day

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m07a1301.ssb) - Chatot tells Hero & Partner to forget about being chosen for the expedition

Chapter 6 (G01P07A) (m07a1302.ssb) - The other apprentices sneak in food for Hero & Partner

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m07a1401.ssb) - Failing Apple Woods (After morning cheers)

Chapter 6 (G01P06B) (m08a0101.ssb) - Chatot announces the expedition members will be announced tomorrow

Chapter 6 (G01P06B) (m08a0102.ssb) - Partner wonders if they’ll be chosen for the expedition / Grovyle finds another Time Gear

Chapter 6 (V03P07A) (m08a0202.ssb) - Grovyle approaches the Time Gear in Limestone Cavern

Chapter 6 (V03P12A) (m08a0203.ssb) - Grovyle monologues

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m08a0301.ssb) - Expedition members announced

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m08a0401.ssb) - Ready for the expedition?

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m08a0501.ssb) - Chatot explains the expedition location

Chapter 6 (S01P01A) (m08a0502.ssb) - Chatot points to Fogbound Lake on the map

Chapter 6 (G01P04A) (m08a0503.ssb) - Chatot announces the expedition groups

Chapter 7: The Guild's Big Expedition

Chapter 7 (D06P11A) (m08a0601.ssb) - Arriving at the entrance to Craggy Coast

Chapter 7 (S01P01A) (m08a0602.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Bidoof decide on a path to Foggy Forest

Chapter 7 (D06P11A) (m08a0603.ssb) - Craggy Coast or Side Path?

Chapter 7 (D06P11A) (m08a0701.ssb) - Exiting Side Path

Chapter 7 (D06P11A) (m08a0801.ssb) - Failing Craggy Coast or Side Path

Chapter 7 (D06P11A) (m08a0901.ssb) - Craggy Coast or Side Path? (second attempt)

Chapter 7 (D07P11A) (m08a1001.ssb) - Arriving at Mt. Horn

Chapter 7 (S01P01A) (m08a1002.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Bidoof check the map

Chapter 7 (D07P11A) (m08a1003.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Bidoof decide to call it a day

Chapter 7 (D07P11A) (m08a1101.ssb) - Exiting Rock Path

Chapter 7 (D07P11A) (m08b1201.ssb) - Failing Mt. Horn or Rock Path

Chapter 7 (D07P11A) (m08b1301.ssb) - Mt. Horn or Rock Path?

Chapter 8: Groudon's Heart

Chapter 8 (D08P11A) (m09a0101.ssb) - Arriving at base camp / Expedition briefing

Chapter 8 (D08P11A) (m09a0201.ssb) - Foggy Forest or Forest Path?

Chapter 8 (D08P11A) (m09a0301.ssb) - Exiting Forest Path

Chapter 8 (D08P11A) (m09a0401.ssb) - Failing Foggy Forest or Forest Path

Chapter 8 (D08P11A) (m09a0501.ssb) - Foggy Forest or Forest Path? (second attempt)

Chapter 8 (P03P01A) (m09a0601.ssb) - Arriving at the Groudon statue

Chapter 8 (P03P01A) (m09d0612.ssb) - Dimension Scream: Hero hears a voice part 1

Chapter 8 (P03P01A) (m09d0613.ssb) - Hero has another dizzy spell

Chapter 8 (P03P01A) (m09d0614.ssb) - Dimension Scream: Hero hears a voice part 2

Chapter 8 (P03P01A) (m09d0615.ssb) - Hero figures out how to lift the fog

Chapter 8 (D08P11A) (m09d0212.ssb) - Flashback: Partner picks up the Drought Stone

Chapter 8 (P03P01A) (m09a0605.ssb) - Partner puts the Drought Stone into the Groudon statue

Chapter 8 (P03P02A) (m09a0606.ssb) - The fog lifts

Chapter 8 (V09P04A) (m09a0608.ssb) - Visual of Fogbound Lake

Chapter 8 (P03P02A) (m09a0701.ssb) - Team Skull arrive / Wigglytuff’s runaway Perfect Apple

Chapter 9: The Mystery of Fogbound Lake

Chapter 9 (D09P11A) (m10a0101.ssb) - Arriving at the entrance of Steam Cave

Chapter 9 (D09P11A) (m10a0201.ssb) - Entering Steam Cave

Chapter 9 (P03P02A) (m10a0301.ssb) - Team Skull attacks Wigglytuff

Chapter 9 (D09P11A) (m10a0401.ssb) - Failing Steam Cave

Chapter 9 (D10P21A) (m10a0501.ssb) - Arriving at Upper Steam Cave

Chapter 9 (D10P21A) (m10a0601.ssb) - Ready to go on? (Upper Steam Cave)

Chapter 9 (D10P21A) (m10a0701.ssb) - Hero tells partner they suspect they visited Fogbound Lake as a human

Chapter 9 (D10P21A) (m10a0801.ssb) - Failing Upper Steam Cave

Chapter 9 (D10P41A) (m10a0901.ssb) - Something approaches

Chapter 9 (P03P02A) (m10a0902.ssb) - The guild heads towards Fogbound Lake / Team Skull wiped out

Chapter 9 (D10P41A) (m10a0903.ssb) - The Groudon illusion appears

Chapter 9 (D09P11A) (m10a0904.ssb) - Chatot explains about Groudon

Chapter 9 (D10P41A) (m10a0905.ssb) - Hero and partner ready themselves for battle

Chapter 9 (D10P41A) (m10a1001.ssb) - Groudon illusion battle (second attempt)

Chapter 9 (D10P41A) (m10a1101.ssb) - Groudon ilusion defeated, Uxie appears

Chapter 9 (P04P01C) (m10a1201.ssb) - Uxie shows Hero and Partner Fogbound Lake

Chapter 9 (V10P01C) (m10a1202.ssb) - Visual of Fogbound Lake at night 1

Chapter 9 (P04P01C) (m10a1204.ssb) - Uxie tells Hero and Partner to look at the centre of the lake

Chapter 9 (V03P09A) (m10a1205.ssb) - Fogbound Lake’s Time Gear

Chapter 9 (P04P01C) (m10a1206.ssb) - Partner asks if Hero’s been to Fogbound lake / Wigglytuff arrives

Chapter 9 (V10P01C) (m10a1207.ssb) - Visual of Fogbound Lake at night 2 (repeat of m10a1202 with minor BGM differences)

Chapter 9 (P04P01C) (m10a1208.ssb) - The rest of the guild arrive

Chapter 9 (V10P03C) (m10a1209.ssb) - Volbeat and Illumise fly around the lake

Chapter 9 (P04P01C) (m10a1210.ssb) - Everyone admires the view

Chapter 9 (V10P03C) (m10a1211.ssb) - Reflecting on the expedition and Hero’s unanswered questions

Chapter 9 (V03P09A) (m10a1212.ssb) - Hero wonders why Time Gear makes him feel uneasy

Chapter 9 (P04P01C) (m10a1213.ssb) - Everyone agrees to keep Fogbound Lake a secret

Chapter 10: Dusknoir

Chapter 10 (G01P07A) (m11a0101.ssb) - Loudred’s wake-up alarm (First morning after expedition)

Chapter 10 (G01P04A) (m11a0201.ssb) - Dusknoir arrives at the Guild

Chapter 10 (G01P07C) (m11a0301.ssb) - Duplicate of c00a0301 with addition of scenario flag

Chapter 10 (G01P01C) (m11a0303.ssb) - Team Skull plan their revenge

Chapter 10 (G01P04A) (m11a0401.ssb) - Chatot asks Hero & Partner to check Kecleon Market for Perfect Apples

Chapter 10 (T01P02A) (m11a0501.ssb) - Hero & Partner run into Dusknoir / Azurill & Marill go to find their Water Float

Chapter 10 (G01P04A) (m11a0502.ssb) - Hero & Partner report back to Chatot

Chapter 10 (G01P06B) (m11a0601.ssb) - Chatot reports that Limestone Cavern’s TIme Gear is stolen

Chapter 10 (G01P07C) (m11a0702.ssb) - Hero & Partner wonder why anyone would steal Time Gears

Chapter 10 (V03P09A) (m11a0703.ssb) - Hero still wonders why Time Gear makes him feel uneasy

Chapter 10 (G01P07C) (m11a0704.ssb) - Partner wonders how Uxie is doing

Chapter 10 (D10P41A) (m11a0705.ssb) - Groudon illusion defeated

Chapter 10 (P04P01C) (m11a0706.ssb) - Grovyle stares down Uxie

Chapter 10 (V03P12A) (m11a0707.ssb) - Grovyle tells Uxie that he plans to take the Time Gear

Chapter 10 (G01P04A) (m12a0101.ssb) - Loudred says Hero & Partner have visitors

Chapter 10 (G01P01A) (m12a0102.ssb) - Marill & Azurill say their Water Float has been stolen

Chapter 10 (D11P11A) (m12a0201.ssb) - Entering Amp Plains

Chapter 10 (G01P03A) (m12a0301.ssb) - Failing Amp Plains (end of day)

Chapter 10 (G01P04A) (m12a0302.ssb) - Failing Amp Plains (after morning cheers)

Chapter 10 (D11P11A) (m12a0401.ssb) - Entering Amp Plains (if you failed previously)

Chapter 10 (D12P21A) (m12a0501.ssb) - Far Amp Plains “Would you like to go on?”

Chapter 10 (D12P21A) (m12a0601.ssb) - Entering Far Amp Plains

Chapter 10 (T01P02A) (m12a0602.ssb) - Dusknoir realises Hero & Partner are in great danger

Chapter 10 (D12P21A) (m12a0701.ssb) - Failing Far Amp Plains

Chapter 10 (D12P41A) (m12a0801.ssb) - Manectric tribe boss fight (first attempt)

Chapter 10 (D12P41A) (m12a0901.ssb) - Manectric tribe boss fight (if you failed previously)

Chapter 10 (D12P41A) (m12a1001.ssb) - Dusknoir saves Hero & Partner

Chapter 10 (T01P02A) (m12a1101.ssb) - Dusknoir learned Hero has Dimensional Scream

Chapter 10 (T01P02A) (m12a1201.ssb) - Dusknoir learns that Hero was a human / Bidoof tells everyone to come to the guild immediately

Chapter 11: Grovyle the Thief

Chapter 11 (G01P03A) (m13a0101.ssb) - Chatot announces Fogbound Lake’s Time Gear has been stolen / Grovyle’s wanted poster is revealed

Chapter 11 (T01P01A) (m13a0104.ssb) - Ground mode initialisation

Chapter 11 (P01P01A) (m13a0201.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 11 (G01P03A) (m13a0301.ssb) - The Guild are assigned their search locations

Chapter 11 (S01P01A) (m13a0302.ssb) - Chatot points out Northern Desert on the map

Chapter 11 (G01P03A) (m13a0303.ssb) - Chatot dismisses the apprentices

Chapter 11 (D13P11A) (m13a0401.ssb) - Entering Northern Desert

Chapter 11 (G01P03A) (m13a0501.ssb) - Failing Northern Desert (end of day)

Chapter 11 (G01P04A) (m13a0502.ssb) - Failing Northern Desert (after morning cheers)

Chapter 11 (D13P11A) (m13a0602.ssb) - Entering Northern Desert (if you failed previously)

Chapter 11 (D14P11A) (m13a0701.ssb) - Hero & Partner find quicksand pits. Find nothing there

Chapter 11 (G01P03A) (m13a0801.ssb) - Apprentices report that they all found nothing

Chapter 11 (G01P04A) (m13a0901.ssb) - Chatot tells the Guild to look for Time Gears on their own initiative

Chapter 11 (D14P11A) (m13d0712.ssb) - Flashback: Hero’s familiar feeling at quicksand pits

Chapter 11 (G01P04A) (m13d0903.ssb) - Hero suggests to Partner to go back to quicksand pits

Chapter 11 (D14P11A) (m14a0101.ssb) - Hero wonders if they have to jump into the quicksand

Chapter 11 (D04P11A) (m05d0334.ssb) - Flashback: Jumping into Waterfall Cave

Chapter 11 (D14P11A) (m14a0112.ssb) - Jumping into the quicksand pits

Chapter 11 (D14P12A) (m14a0103.ssb) - Quicksand Cave revealed underneath the quicksand

Chapter 11 (G01P03A) (m14a0201.ssb) - Failing Quicksand Cave (end of day)

Chapter 11 (G01P04A) (m14a0202.ssb) - Failing Quicksand Cave (morning briefing)

Chapter 11 (D14P11A) (m14a0301.ssb) - Jumping into Quicksand Cave (if you failed previously)

Chapter 11 (D15P21A) (m14a0401.ssb) - Failing Quicksand Pit

Chapter 11 (D15P21A) (m14a0501.ssb) - Quicksand Pit “Would you like to go on?”

Chapter 11 (D15P41A) (m14a0601.ssb) - Mesprit boss fight (first attempt)

Chapter 11 (D15P41A) (m14a0701.ssb) - Mesprit boss fight (if you failed previously)

Chapter 11 (D15P41A) (m14a0801.ssb) - Grovyle arrives and steals the Time Gear

Chapter 11 (V14P03A) (m14a0802.ssb) - Time paralysis animation 1

Chapter 11 (V14P04A) (m14a0803.ssb) - Time paralysis animation 2

Chapter 11 (D15P41A) (m14a0804.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Mesprit run from time’s paralysis

Chapter 12: The Only Option

Chapter 12 (G01P04A) (m14a0901.ssb) - Dusknoir asks Hero to touch Bidoof’s crystal

Chapter 12 (D17P34A) (m15b0904.ssb) - Hero has vision of Grovyle threatening Azelf

Chapter 12 (G01P04A) (m14a0903.ssb) - Hero tells everyone about their vision

Chapter 12 (D15P41A) (m14d0812.ssb) - Flashback: Mesprit explains how Uxie alerted her to the Time Gear being stolen via telepathy

Chapter 12 (G01P04A) (m14a0905.ssb) - The Guild prepare to set out for Crystal Cave

Chapter 12 (D16P11A) (m15a0101.ssb) - Entering Crystal Cave

Chapter 12 (G01P03A) (m15a0201.ssb) - Failing Crystal Cave

Chapter 12 (D16P11A) (m15a0301.ssb) - Entering Crystal Cave (if you failed previously)

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15a0401.ssb) - Arriving at the depths of Crystal Cave

Chapter 12 (P03P01A) (m09d0652.ssb) - Flashback: Activating the Groudon statue

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15a0403.ssb) - Hero thinks about how the other two lakes had a puzzle attached to them

Chapter 12 (D14P11A) (m14d0122ssb) - Flashback: Jumping into Quicksand Cave

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15a0405.ssb) - Hero touches the giant crystals

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15d0452.ssb) - Dimensional Scream: Hero hears a voice

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15d0453.ssb) - Hero figures out the puzzle of the giant crystals

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15a0501.ssb) - Partner asks hero to solve the secret of the three crystals (at this point, I don’t know how to activate this script, but I think it’s something related to being in Ground Mode at this point in the story)

Chapter 12 (D16P31A) (m15a0601.ssb) - The three crystals begin to activate

Chapter 12 (V15P01A) (m15a0602.ssb) - Animation of Crystal Crossing forming

Chapter 12 (D17P11A) (m15b0603.ssb) - Crystal Crossing revealed

Chapter 12 (G01P03A) (m15b0701.ssb) - Failing Crystal Crossing

Chapter 12 (G01P03A) (m15b0801.ssb) - Entering Crystal Crossing (if you failed previously)

Chapter 12 (D17P31A) (m15b0901.ssb) - Arriving at Crystal Lake

Chapter 12 (V15P02A) (m15b0902.ssb) - Hero & Partner spot something in the distance

Chapter 12 (D17P32A) (m15b0903.ssb) - Partner realises it’s Grovyle

Chapter 12 (D17P34A) (m15b0904.ssb) - Grovyle confronts Azelf

Chapter 12 (D17P32A) (m15b0905.ssb) - Hero & Partner rush to help Azelf

Chapter 12 (D17P34A) (m15b0906.ssb) - Azelf reveals his fail-safe system

Chapter 12 (D17P33A) (m15b0907.ssb) - Hero & Partner start to feel a tremor

Chapter 12 (V15P03A) (m15b0908.ssb) - Animation of Azelf’s defence system

Chapter 12 (D17P45A) (m15b0909.ssb) - Hero & Partner confront Grovyle

Chapter 12 (D17P45A) (m15b1001.ssb) - Hero & Partner are knocked out by Grovyle / Dusknoir arrives and chases after Grovyle

Chapter 12 (G01P07A) (m15b1101.ssb) - Hero & Partner awaken in their rooms

Chapter 12 (G01P04A) (m15b1201.ssb) - Magnemite tells everyone to gather in Treasure Town

Chapter 13: Dusknoir's Secret

Chapter 13 (P01P01A) (m16a0101.ssb) - Chapter 13 title card

Chapter 13 (T01P01A) (m16a0102.ssb) - Dusknoir reveals that Grovyle is from the future

Chapter 13 (V17P03A) (m16a0103.ssb) - Dusknoir describes the planet’s paralysis (Note: Also used in Chapter 14)

Chapter 13 (T01P01A) (m16a0104.ssb) - Dusknoir reveals that he is also from the future / Treasure Town devises a plan to capture Grovyle

Chapter 13 (G01P04A) (m16a0105.ssb) - Chatot re-states the apprentices orders

Chapter 13 (D16P11A) (m16a0201.ssb) - Attempting to enter Crystal Cave

Chapter 13 (G01P07C) (m16a0302.ssb) - Partner reflects on Dusknoir’s revelations

Chapter 13 (G01P04A) (m16a0401.ssb) - Chatot says there is no news on Grovyle’s capture

Chapter 13 (G01P07C) (m16a0502.ssb) - Hero & Partner wonder about Grovyle and the world of the future

Chapter 13 (G01P04A) (m16a0601.ssb) - Magnemite announces that Grovyle has been caught

Chapter 13 (T01P01A) (m16a0701.ssb) - “It’s too soon for farewells!”

Chapter 13 (V16P02A) (m16a0702.ssb) - Travelling through the Dimensional Hole

Chapter 14: Into the Future

Chapter 14 (V17P03A) (m17a0101.ssb) - Hero fades in and out of consciousness

Chapter 14 (V17P02A) (m17a0102.ssb) - Visual of crumbled Temporal Tower

Chapter 14 (P05P01A) (m17a0103.ssb) - Dusknoir receives his orders from Primal Dialga

Chapter 14 (P05P02A) (m17a0104.ssb) - Hero & Partner find themselves in a jail cell

Chapter 14 (P05P02A) (m17a0201.ssb) - Hero tries to open the cell doors

Chapter 14 (P05P02A) (m17a0301.ssb) - The Sableye arrive and blindfold Hero & Partner

Chapter 14 (P05P03A) (m17a0302.ssb) - Stockade scene

Chapter 14 (P05P04A) (m17a0401.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle run out of the stockade

Chapter 14 (V17P03A) (m17a0402.ssb) - Hero & Partner see the ruined future for the first time

Chapter 14 (P05P04A) (m17a0403.ssb) - Sableye are heard in the distance, the three Pokémon continue running

Chapter 14 (D18P11A) (m17a0501.ssb) - Grovyle explains that the planet has been paralysed

Chapter 14 (T01P01A) (m16d0122.ssb) - Flashback: Dusknoir describes the planet’s paralysis (Part 1)

Chapter 14 (D18P11A) (m17a0504.ssb) - Grovyle leaves, Partner struggles with the truth

Chapter 14 (D18P11A) (m17a0601.ssb) - Entering Chasm Cave

Chapter 14 (D18P11A) (m17a0701.ssb) - Failing Chasm Cave

Chapter 14 (D19P11A) (m18a0101.ssb) - Hero discovers that the Dimensional Scream doesn’t work in the future

Chapter 14 (D19P11A) (m18a0201.ssb) - Entering Dark Hill

Chapter 14 (D19P11A) (m18a0301.ssb) - Failing Dark Hill

Chapter 14 (P06P01A) (m18a0401.ssb) - Partner looks despairingly at the lights of the stockade in the distance / Hero suggests that they find Grovyle

Chapter 14 (D20P11A) (m18b0501.ssb) - Arriving at Sealed Ruin

Chapter 14 (D20P11A) (m18b0601.ssb) - Entering Sealed Ruin

Chapter 14 (D20P11A) (m18b0701.ssb) - Failing Sealed Ruin

Chapter 14 (D21P21A) (m18b0801.ssb) - Sealed Ruin Pit “Would you like to go on?”

Chapter 14 (D21P21A) (m18b0901.ssb) - Entering Sealed Ruin Pit

Chapter 14 (D21P41A) (m18b0902.ssb) - Grovyle is ambushed by Spiritomb

Chapter 14 (D21P21A) (m18b1002.ssb) - Failing Sealed Ruin Pit

Chapter 14 (D21P41A) (m18b1101.ssb) - Spiritomb boss fight

Chapter 14 (D21P41A) (m18b1201.ssb) - Spiritomb boss fight (if you failed previously)

Chapter 14 (D21P41A) (m18b1301.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle decide to work together

Chapter 15: The Secret of the Planet's Paralysis

Chapter 15 (P07P01A) (m18b1401.ssb) - Grovyle reveals the truth

Chapter 15 (V17P03A) (m19a0101.ssb) - Visual of paralysed planet

Chapter 15 (P05P01A) (m19a0102.ssb) - Dusknoir asks Primal Dialga for their assistance

Chapter 15 (D22P11A) (m19a0201.ssb) - Arriving at Dusk Forest

Chapter 15 (D22P11A) (m19a0301.ssb) - Dusk Forest “Ready to go?”

Chapter 15 (D22P11A) (m19a0401.ssb) - Partner still doesn’t trust Grovyle / Hero has familiar feeling again

Chapter 15 (D08P11A) (m09d0112.ssb) - Flashback: Hero realises he knows Foggy Forest

Chapter 15 (D22P11A) (m19a0403.ssb) - Partner & Grovyle tell Hero to hurry up / Sableye watches on

Chapter 15 (D22P11A) (m19a0501.ssb) - Failing Dusk Forest

Chapter 15 (P08P01A) (m19a0601.ssb) - Meeting Celebi

Chapter 15 (D23P11A) (m19b0701.ssb) - Celebi explains the Passage of Time

Chapter 15 (D23P11A) (m19b0801.ssb) - Deep Dusk Forest “Ready to go?”

Chapter 15 (D23P11A) (m19b0901.ssb) - Failing Deep Dusk Forest

Chapter 15 (P09P01A) (m19b1001.ssb) - Dusknoir’s ambush / Hero is revealed to be Grovyle’s partner

Chapter 15 (T01P02A) (m19b1005.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 15 (T01P02A) (m11d0512.ssb) - Flashback: Hero & Partner introduce themselves to Dusknoir

Chapter 15 (T01P02A) (m19d1053.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 15 (T01P02A) (m12d1112.ssb) - Flashback: Partner explains Hero’s ability to Kecleon

Chapter 15 (T01P02A) (m19d1055.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 15 (D01P11A) (m12d1212.ssb) - Flashback: Hero tells Dusknoir their name

Chapter 15 (D01P11A) (m19b1006.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 15 (D01P11A) (m12d1214.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 15 (D01P11A) (m19d1063.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 15 (P09P01A) (m19b1007.ssb) - Partner formulates a plan to reach the Passage of Time

Chapter 15 (V19P06A) (m19b1008.ssb) - Primal Dialga breaks Celebi’s time travel

Chapter 15 (V19P06A) (m19b1009.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle escape through the Passage of Time

Chapter 15 (V19P06A) (m19b1014.ssb) - Traveling through the Passage of Time

Chapter 16: A New Dawn

Chapter 16 (D01P11A) (m20a0101.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle return to the present

Chapter 16 (V21P01A) (m20a0201.ssb) - Sharpedo Bluff daytime visual

Chapter 16 (H01P99A) (m20a0202.ssb) - Partner reveals his previous home

Chapter 16 (H02P99A) (m20a0203.ssb) - Inside Partner’s home

Chapter 16 (H02P99C) (m20a0205.ssb) - Grovyle explains about Hero’s past and the Dimensional Scream ability

Chapter 16 (D19P11A) (m18d0112.ssb) - Flashback: Hero discovers that the Dimensional Scream doesn’t work in the future

Chapter 16 (H02P99C) (m20a0207.ssb) - Grovyle continues to explain his history with Hero

Chapter 16 (H02P99C) (m20a0301.ssb) - Grovyle wakes up to find Partner missing

Chapter 16 (H02P99D) (m20a0302.ssb) - Partner & Grovyle see the sunrise

Chapter 16 (P09P01A) (m19d1072.ssb) - Flashback: Partner tells the Hero, Grovyle & Celebi not to give up

Chapter 16 (H01P99E) (m20a0305.ssb) - Partner shows Grovyle the Relic Fragment

Chapter 16 (D04P11A) (m05d0332.ssb) - Flashback: Partner puts his faith in Hero before jumping into the waterfall

Chapter 16 (H01P99E) (m20a0307.ssb) - Partner explains that Hero was always there for them

Chapter 16 (D10P41A) (m10d0952.ssb) - Flashback: Partner works up the courage to fight Groudon

Chapter 16 (H01P99E) (m20a0309.ssb) - Partner & Grovyle both agree that they are lucky to have had Hero as a friend

Chapter 16 (H02P99A) (m20a0310.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle decide where to go next

Chapter 16 (S01P01A) (m20a0311.ssb) - Grovyle points out Treeshroud Forest on the map

Chapter 16 (H02P99A) (m20a0312.ssb) - Everyone agrees to go to Treeshroud Forest

Chapter 16 (D24P11A) (m20a0401.ssb) - Arriving at Treeshroud Forest

Chapter 16 (D24P11A) (m20a0501.ssb) - Treeshroud Forest “Ready to go?”

Chapter 16 (D24P11A) (m20a0601.ssb) - Failing Treeshroud Forest

Chapter 16 (D24P31A) (m20a0701.ssb) - Grovyle notices something odd

Chapter 16 (V05P01A) (m20a0702.ssb) - Visual of Treeshroud Forest frozen in time 1

Chapter 16 (V05P02A) (m20a0703.ssb) - Visual of Treeshroud Forest frozen in time 2

Chapter 16 (D24P31A) (m20a0704.ssb) - Partner wonders why time is still frozen

Chapter 16 (T01P01A) (m16d0712.ssb) - Flashback: Uxie, Mesprit & Azelf tell Dusknoir that they will return the Time Gears

Chapter 16 (D24P31A) (m20a0706.ssb) - Partner wonders if the Time Gear wasn’t returned

Chapter 16 (V03P06A) (m20a0707.ssb) - Grovyle takes Treeshroud Forest’s Time Gear

Chapter 16 (H02P99A) (m20a0801.ssb) - Grovyle determines that Temporal Tower is beginning to collapse, decides to leave to re-gather the Time Gears

Chapter 16 (D01P11A) (m20a0901.ssb) - Hero suggests to Partner to return to the Guild

Chapter 17: The Guild's Crew

Chapter 17 (G01P01B) (m21a0101.ssb) - Hero & Partner return to the Guild

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m21a0201.ssb) - Chatot doesn’t believe Partner’s story about Dusknoir

Chapter 17 (T01P01A) (m16d0714.ssb) - Flashback: Dusknoir pulls Hero & Partner into the Dimensional Hole

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m21a0203.ssb) - The apprentices stick up for Hero & Partner and believe their story / Wigglytuff issues the call to find the Hidden Land, suggests going to Torkoal

Chapter 17 (P02P01A) (m05a0606.ssb) - Flashback: Torkoal tells Hero & Partner to relax in the Hot Spring

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m21a0205.ssb) - Hero & Partner decide to go to the Hot Spring… but first, dinner!

Chapter 17 (G01P07C) (m21a0302.ssb) - Partner feels emotional over their homecoming

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m21a0410.ssb) - Chatot gives the Guild their orders

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m21a0520.ssb) - Morning briefing (If you didn’t go to the Hot Spring the previous day)

Chapter 17 (P02P01A) (m21a0601.ssb) - Hero & Partner talk to Torkoal about the Hidden Land

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m21a0701.ssb) - Regrouping at the end of the day

Chapter 17 (G01P07C) (m21a0802.ssb) - Partner is disappointed Torkoal couldn’t remember much about the Hidden Land, wonders how Grovyle is doing

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m22a0101.ssb) - Torkoal appears at the sentry grate

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m22a0201.ssb) - Torkoal says the proof to enter the Hidden Land bears a certain inscription

Chapter 17 (D01P11B) (m01d0722.ssb) - Flashback: Partner shows Hero the Relic Fragment

Chapter 17 (D01P11B) (m01a0703.ssb) - Empty scene

Chapter 17 (G01P04A) (m22a0204.ssb) - Partner shows Torkoal the Relic Fragment, Wigglytuff explains they need to go to Brine Cave

Chapter 17 (P01P01A) (m22a0302.ssb) - Team Skull ambush Torkoal

Chapter 17 (P01P01A) (m22a0401.ssb) - Attempting to go to a dungeon other than Brine Cave

Chapter 17 (T01P01A) (m22a0501.ssb) - Partner suggests to go to Sharpedo Bluff (Treasure Town eastern end)

Chapter 17 (H01P99A) (m22a0601.ssb) - Partner wonders if Grovyle has returned

Chapter 17 (H02P99A) (m22a0602.ssb) - Grovyle’s note

Chapter 17 (H02P99A) (m22a0701.ssb) - Reading Grovyle’s note again

Chapter 17 (P01P01A) (m22a0801.ssb) - Attempting to go somewhere other than the beach

Chapter 17 (T01P02A) (m22a1101.ssb) - Partner suggests to go to Sharpedo Bluff (Treasure Town western end)

Chapter 18: Lapras

Chapter 18 (D01P11B) (m22a0901.ssb) - Hero & Partner find that Grovyle is not at the beach

Chapter 18 (D01P11B) (m01d0284.ssb) - Flashback: Koffing & Zubat steal the Relic Fragment

Chapter 18 (D01P11B) (m22a0903.ssb) - Partner realises that the Relic Fragment was the start of both their first and current adventure / Hero & Partner spot Lapras in the distance

Chapter 18 (G01P07C) (m22a1002.ssb) - Hero & Partner sleeping

Chapter 18 (V22P03A) (m22a1003.ssb) - Lapras arrives at the water’s edge

Chapter 18 (P10P01A) (m22a1004.ssb) - Lapras talks to Wigglytuff

Chapter 18 (G01P04A) (m23a0101.ssb) - The Guild prepares to leave for Brine Cave

Chapter 18 (D25P11A) (m23a0201.ssb) - Chatot warns the apprentices of vicious Pokémon lurking inside Brine Cave

Chapter 18 (D25P11A) (m23a0301.ssb) - Failing Brine Cave

Chapter 18 (D25P11A) (m23a0302.ssb) - Failing Brine Cave (if you returned to Brine Cave’s entrance after reaching Lower Brine Cave)

Chapter 18 (D25P11A) (m23a0401.ssb) - Brine Cave “Ready to go?” (if you failed previously)

Chapter 18 (D26P21A) (m23a0402.ssb) - Lower Brine Cave “Would you like to go on?”

Chapter 18 (D25P11A) (m23a0401.ssb) - Brine Cave “Ready to go?” (if you returned to Brine Cave’s entrance after reaching Lower Brine Cave)

Chapter 18 (D26P21A) (m23a0501.ssb) - Team Skull steals the Relic Fragment again, Chatot gives chase

Chapter 18 (D26P21A) (m23a0601.ssb) - Failing Lower Brine Cave

Chapter 18 (D26P31A) (m23a0701.ssb) - Hero & Partner find Team Skull knocked out

Chapter 18 (D26P43A) (m23a0703.ssb) - Hero & Partner reunite with Chatot

Chapter 18 (V23P01A) (m23a0704.ssb) - Chatot spots Kabutops & the Omastar brothers

Chapter 18 (D26P43A) (m23a0706.ssb) - Chatot shields Hero & Partner from Kabutops and Omastar’s attack

Chapter 18 (D26P43A) (m23a0801.ssb) - Kabutops and Omastar brothers boss fight (if you failed previously)

Chapter 18 (D26P43A) (m23a0901.ssb) - Everyone arrives and assists Chatot / Hero, Partner & Grovyle journey forward

Chapter 18 (P11P01A) (m23a1001.ssb) - Grovyle explains what he was doing with Wigglytuff / Hero, Partner & Grovyle reach the edge of the cave

Chapter 18 (V23P04A) (m23a1002.ssb) - Partner looks towards the sea

Chapter 18 (P11P01A) (m23a1003.ssb) - Partner uses his Relic Fragment to call Lapras

Chapter 18 (V23P04A) (m23a1007.ssb) - Lapras approaches in the distance

Chapter 18 (P11P01A) (m23a1008.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle meet Lapras

Chapter 19: To the Hidden Land

Chapter 19 (G01P01C) (m24a0102.ssb) - Chapter 19 title card

Chapter 19 (G01P04C) (m24a0103.ssb) - Sunflora asks Wigglytuff about the time Chatot saved him

Chapter 19 (V23P01A) (m24a0104.ssb) - “Guildmaster, watch out!”

Chapter 19 (G01P04C) (m24a0105.ssb) - Wigglytuff explains how he met Lapras

Chapter 19 (V24P01A) (m24a0106.ssb) - Lapras explains to Hero, Partner & Grovyle how he made Wigglytuff keep a promise

Chapter 19 (G01P04C) (m24a0107.ssb) - Wigglytuff tells the apprentices about Lapras’ promise

Chapter 19 (V24P01A) (m24a0108.ssb) - Lapras explains how Dialga hid the Hidden Land

Chapter 19 (G01P04C) (m24a0109.ssb) - Wigglytuff explains the moment when he realised the Relic Fragment was connected to his encounter with Lapras

Chapter 19 (P10P01A) (m24a0110.ssb) - Wigglytuff describes his meeting with Lapras

Chapter 19 (G01P04C) (m24a0111.ssb) - Wigglytuff explains how the Relic Fragment chooses who it resonates with

Chapter 19 (V24P09A) (m24a0201.ssb) - Visual of open ocean

Chapter 19 (V24P02A) (m24a0202.ssb) - Lapras points out something in the distance

Chapter 19 (V24P04A) (m24a0204.ssb) - Visual of the gap in time

Chapter 19 (V24P03A) (m24a0205.ssb) - Lapras begins to cross the sea of time

Chapter 19 (V24P05A) (m24a0206.ssb) - The Hidden Land is revealed

Chapter 19 (V24P06A) (m24a0207.ssb) - Lapras docks at the land’s edge

Chapter 19 (D27P11A) (m24a0301.ssb) - Lapras explains that they need to take the Rainbow Stoneship to reach Temporal Tower

Chapter 19 (D27P11A) (m24a0401.ssb) - Hidden Land “Ready to go?”

Chapter 19 (D27P11A) (m24a0501.ssb) - Failing Hidden Land

Chapter 19 (D28P21A) (m24a0601.ssb) - Hidden Highland “Would you like to go on?”

Chapter 19 (D28P21A) (m24a0701.ssb) - Failing Hidden Highland

Chapter 19 (D28P31A) (m24a0801.ssb) - Arriving at the Old Ruins

Chapter 19 (D28P32A) (m24a0802.ssb) - Bottom of the stairs leading to the Rainbow Stoneship

Chapter 19 (D28P33A) (m24a0803.ssb) - Dusknoir’s ambush

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m24a0804.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle resist Dusknoir

Chapter 19 (D28P21A) (m24a0901.ssb) - Failing Dusknoir boss battle

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m24a1001.ssb) - Dusknoir boss battle (if you failed previously)

Chapter 19 (D01P11A) (m24p1101.ssb) - If you decide to return to Treasure Town

Chapter 19 (D27P11A) (m24a1201.ssb) - If you decide to return to Hidden Land’s entrance

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25a0101.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Grovyle land the final blow on Dusknoir

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25a0201.ssb) - Dusknoir reveals what will happen if time is changed

Chapter 19 (P08P01A) (m19d0612.ssb) - Flashback: Celebi’s resolve

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25a0203.ssb) - Grovyle explains the resolve he shared with the Hero

Chapter 19 (D28P33A) (m25a0301.ssb) - Partner activates the Rainbow Stoneship

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25a0302.ssb) - Grovyle’s sacrifice

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25d0212.ssb) - Flashback: Dusknoir - “Is this what you really want?”

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25a0304.ssb) - Partner reflects on Grovyle’s final words

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25d0322.ssb) - Flashback: Grovyle’s final words

Chapter 19 (D28P44A) (m25a0306.ssb) - Hero & Partner have a different understanding on what Grovyle’s final words actually meant

Chapter 20: The Last Adventure

Chapter 20 (D28P33A) (m25a0401.ssb) - Hero & Partner board the Rainbow Stoneship

Chapter 20 (P12P01A) (m25a0402.ssb) - Hero & Partner spot Temporal Tower in the distance

Chapter 20 (P12P02A) (m25a0404.ssb) - Disembarking from the Rainbow Stoneship

Chapter 20 (P13P01A) (m25a0405.ssb) - Walking towards Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (D29P11A) (m25a0501.ssb) - Arriving at the base of Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (D29P11A) (m25a0601.ssb) - Temporal Tower “Ready to go?”

Chapter 20 (D29P11A) (m25a0701.ssb) - Failing Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (D30P21A) (m25a0801.ssb) - Arriving at Temporal Spire

Chapter 20 (D30P21A) (m25a0901.ssb) - Temporal Spire “Would you like to go on?”

Chapter 20 (D30P21A) (m25a1001.ssb) - Failing Temporal Spire

Chapter 20 (D30P41A) (m25a1101.ssb) - Primal Dialga boss fight

Chapter 20 (D30P41A) (m25a1201.ssb) - Primal Dialga boss fight (if you failed previously)

Chapter 20 (D30P41A) (m26a0101.ssb) - Dialgia defeated / Partner rushes to where the Time Gears need to go

Chapter 20 (D30P33A) (m26a0102.ssb) - Partner places the Time Gears in their positions

Chapter 20 (D30P34A) (m26a0103.ssb) - Tremors rock Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (D30P32A) (m26a0201.ssb) - Temporal Tower is saved

Chapter 20 (V26P09A) (m26a0301.ssb) - Visual of time restored in Treeshroud Forest 1

Chapter 20 (V26P09A) (m26a0302.ssb) - Visual of time restored in Treeshroud Forest 2

Chapter 20 (T01P01A) (m26a0304.ssb) - Treasure Town scroll 1

Chapter 20 (T01P02A) (m26a0305.ssb) - Treasure Town scroll 2

Chapter 20 (V26P02A) (m26a0306.ssb) - Visual of partially ruined Hidden Land & Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (V26P03A) (m26a0307.ssb) - Closer visual of partially ruined Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (D30P32A) (m26a0308.ssb) - Dialga thanks Hero & Partner before they leave

Chapter 20 (P13P01A) (m26a0401.ssb) - Hero’s disappearance (aka I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye, aka Don’t Ever Forget)

Chapter 20 (P13P01A) (m26a0501.ssb) - Partner continues on alone

Chapter 20 (P12P02A) (m26a0502.ssb) - Partner boards the Rainbow Stoneship

Chapter 20 (P12P01A) (m26a0503.ssb) - Partner’s sadness as he goes further away from Hero’s last spot

Chapter 20 (G01P01A) (m26a0505.ssb) - Partner arrives back at the guild

Chapter 20 (G01P01A) (m26a0506.ssb) - Partner tells his story to Treasure Town

Chapter 20 (G01P01A) (m26a0601.ssb) - Partner tells Bidoof that he’s going out for a walk

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0602.ssb) - Establishing shot of the beach

Chapter 20 (V01P04B) (m26a0603.ssb) - Krabby blowing bubbles 1

Chapter 20 (V01P05B) (m26a0604.ssb) - Krabby blowing bubbles 2

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0605.ssb) - Partner admires the view

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0606.ssb) - Visual of the bubbles shining in the sunset

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0607.ssb) - Partner remembers the last time he saw this view was when he met Hero

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m01d0282.ssb) - Flashback: Partner finds Hero unconscious

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0609.ssb) - Partner reminisces about the moment their adventure began

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0610.ssb) - Flashback: Partner asks Hero to join his exploration team

Chapter 20 (G01P03A) (m26a0611.ssb) - Flashback: Hero & Partner work up a big appetite after rescuing Azurill

Chapter 20 (D04P11A) (m26a0612.ssb) - Flashback: Partner puts his faith in Hero before jumping into the waterfall

Chapter 20 (G01P07C) (m26a06c2.ssb) - Flashback: Partner wonders if he’ll solve the mystery of the Relic Fragment one day

Chapter 20 (D10P41A) (m10d0952.ssb) - Flashback: Partner works up the courage to fight Groudon

Chapter 20 (V10P03C) (m26a0613.ssb) - Flashback: Admiring Fogbound Lake’s view

Chapter 20 (P05P03A) (m26a06d3.ssb) - Flashback: Hero, Partner & Grovyle break free from the stockade ropes

Chapter 20 (P06P01A) (m26a0614.ssb) - Flashback: Partner thanks Hero for cheering him up when he was feeling down about being stuck in the future

Chapter 20 (P06P01A) (m26a06e3.ssb) - Flashback: Partner’s happiness after registering as an exploration team

Chapter 20 (D14P11A) (m26a06e4.ssb) - Flashback: Partner determination after agreeing to jump in the quicksand pits

Chapter 20 (D17P11A) (m26a06e5.ssb) - Flashback: Entering Crystal Crossing

Chapter 20 (P07P01A) (m26a06e6.ssb) - Flashback: Partner’s resolve to return to their own time

Chapter 20 (D28P44A) (m26a06e2.ssb) - Flashback: Partner’s resolve to stop planet’s paralysis

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0615.ssb) - Partner breaks down in front of Bidoof

Chapter 20 (V26P05A) (m26a0701.ssb) - End credits

Chapter 20 (V26P02A) (m26a0801.ssb) - Visual of partially ruined Hidden Land & Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (V26P03A) (m26a0802.ssb) - Closer visual of partially ruined Temporal Tower

Chapter 20 (D30P32A) (m26a0803.ssb) - Dialga’s gift

Chapter 20 (V26P07A) (m26a0804.ssb) - Dialga roars to the sky

Chapter 20 (D01P11B) (m26a0805.ssb) - Hero returns

Chapter 20 (V26P11A) (m26a0806.ssb) - End screen

Post-game 1: Guild Graduation

(G01P04A) (s01p0101.ssb) - Graduation Exam announcement

(T01P01A) (s01p0201.ssb) - Hero & Partner run into Teddiursa and Ursaring

(D31P11A) (s01p0301.ssb) - Entering Mystifying Forest

(D31P11A) (s01p0401.ssb) - Failing Mystifying Forest

(D31P11A) (s01p0501.ssb) - Mystifying Forest “Ready to go?” (if you failed previously)

(D31P31A) (s01p0601.ssb) - Hero & Partner follow Teddiursa & Ursaring but fall in a pit trap

(D31P41A) (s01p0602.ssb) - The Grand Master of All Things Bad is revealed

(D31P31A) (s01p0603.ssb) - Bidoof realises he messed up

(D31P41A) (s01p0604.ssb) - Preparing to fight the “Grand Master”

(D31P11A) (s01p0701.ssb) - Failing Wigglytuff Guild boss fight

(D31P31A) (s01p0801.ssb) - Wigglytuff pushes Hero & Partner into the open pit trap

(D31P41A) (s01p0802.ssb) - Wigglytuff Guild boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D31P31A) (s01p0901.ssb) - The “Grand Master” is defeated

(P14P01A) (s01p1001.ssb) - Finding a mysterious box

(P14P01A) (s01p1002.ssb) - Dimensional Scream: Wigglytuff carries box to Mystifying Forest

(P14P01A) (s01p1003.ssb) - Hero opens the mysterious box / Luminous Spring revives

(G01P04A) (s01p1004.ssb) - Flashback: Wiggytuff explains about Luminous Spring

(P14P01A) (s01p1005.ssb) - Partner finds that he can not evolve

(G01P04A) (s01p1101.ssb) - Graduating from the guild

(V21P01A) (s01p1102.ssb) - Visual of Sharpedo Bluff

(H02P99A) (s01p1103.ssb) - A new beginning for Hero & Partner

(G01P04A) (s01p1201.ssb) - Chatot tells you to go to Mystifying Forest (only occurs after morning cheers if you decide to wait at least one in-game day before graduating)

Post-game 2: Scisor the Lost Explorer

(P01P01A) (s02p0101.ssb) - Mr. Mime tells Hero & Partner about Scizor

(D79P11A) (s02p0201.ssb) - Crevice Cave opens

(D79P11A) (s02p0301.ssb) - Crevice Cave “Would you like to go on?”

(D79P11A) (s02p0401.ssb) - Crevice Cave “Would you like to return to Sharpedo Bluff?”

(D79P41A) (s02p0501.ssb) - Froslass boss fight

(D79P41A) (s02p0601.ssb) - Froslass boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D79P41A) (s02p0701.ssb) - Saving Scizor

(P01P01A) (s02p0702.ssb) - Scizor grants Hero & Partner the Secret Rank

(D03P41A) (s02p0801.ssb) - Referenced in unionall.ssb but does not exist in scene list

(D03P41A) (s02p0901.ssb) - Referenced in unionall.ssb but does not exist in scene list

(D03P41A) (s02p1001.ssb) - Clearing Crevice Cave (after Froslass fight)

Post-game 3: Manaphy

(G01P04A) (s03p0101.ssb) - Sunflora tells Hero & Partner about the Surround Sea

(D34P41A) (s03p0201.ssb) - Bottom of Surround Sea. Only has the script command “alias previous”

(H02P99A) (s03p0301.ssb) - Manaphy hatches from the egg

(G01P04A) (s03p0302.ssb) - Hero & Partner show Manaphy to Chatot / Manaphy starts to cry

(H02P99A) (s03p0401.ssb) - After waking up: Partner says Manaphy is waiting at the Guild for a Blue Gummi

(G01P04A) (s03p0501.ssb) - Feeding Manaphy a Blue Gummi… or not

(H02P99A) (s03p0502.ssb) - Manaphy returns to Sharpedo Bluff, wants another Blue Gummi

(H02P99A) (s03p0601.ssb) - After waking up: Partner says Manaphy is waiting for a Blue Gummi

(H02P99A) (s03p0701.ssb) - Feeding Manaphy another Blue Gummi… or not / Manaphy falls asleep / The next morning Hero & Partner decide to take Manaphy to the beach

(P01P01A) (s03p0801.ssb) - Attempting to go somewhere other than the beach

(D01P11A) (s03p0901.ssb) - Playing with Manaphy at the beach

(H02P99C) (s03p0902.ssb) - Manaphy wakes in the night and hears the sea calling to them

(H02P99A) (s03p0903.ssb) - Hero & Partner discover Manaphy missing

(P01P01A) (s03p1001.ssb) - Hero & Partner run into Chatot who joins on the search

(P01P01A) (s03p1101.ssb) - Attempting to search in the Guild instead of the beach

(P01P01A) (s03p1201.ssb) - Attempting to leave for a dungeon instead of looking for Manaphy

(D01P11A) (s03p1301.ssb) - Manaphy faints on the beach

(H02P99A) (s03p1302.ssb) - Chatot tells Hero & Partner to find some Phione Dew

(H02P99A) (s03p1401.ssb) - After waking up: Hero & Partner tell Chatot they haven’t found Phione Dew yet

(D35P41A) (s03p1501.ssb) - Gyarados boss fight

(D35P41A) (s03p1601.ssb) - Gyarados boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D35P41A) (s03p1701.ssb) - Phione gives Hero & Partner the Phione Dew

(H02P99A) (s03p2001.ssb) - Hero & Partner give Manaphy the Phione Dew

(H01P99A) (s03p2002.ssb) - Manaphy is fully healed

(D01P11B) (s03p2003.ssb) - Saying goodbye to Manaphy

(H02P99A) (s03p2004.ssb) - Hero & Partner’s sadness that Manaphy has left

(D35P41A) (s03p1801.ssb) - Recruiting Phione

(D35P41A) (s03p1901.ssb) - Clearing Miracle Sea (after recruiting Phione)

Post-game 4: Team Charm

(G01P04A) (s04p0101.ssb) - Team Charm arrive at the Guild

(D32P11A) (s04p0201.ssb) - Everyone sets off the find the treasure of Aegis Cave

(D32P11A) (s04p0301.ssb) - Returning to the beginning of Ice Aegis Cave (first pass)

(D32P11A) (s04p0401.ssb) - Submitting the Unown Stones (Ice Aegis Cave)

(D32P31A) (s04p0501.ssb) - Regice boss fight

(D32P31A) (s04p0601.ssb) - Clearing Regice boss fight / Recruiting Regice

(D32P12A) (s04p0701.ssb) - Team Charm race into Rock Aegis Cave

(D32P12A) (s04p0801.ssb) - Submitting the Unown Stones (Rock Aegis Cave)

(D32P12A) (s04p0901.ssb) - Returning to the beginning of Rock Aegis Cave (first pass)

(D32P32A) (s04p1001.ssb) - Regirock boss fight

(D32P32A) (s04p1101.ssb) - Clearing Regirock boss fight / Recruiting Regirock

(D32P13A) (s04p1201.ssb) - Submitting the Unown Stones (Steel Aegis Cave)

(D32P33A) (s04p1301.ssb) - Registeel boss fight

(D32P33A) (s04p1401.ssb) - Team Charm are saved

(D32P33A) (s04p1501.ssb) - Clearing Registeel boss fight / Recruiting Registeel

(D32P44A) (s04p1601.ssb) - Regigigas boss fight

(D32P44A) (s04p1701.ssb) - Regigigas boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D32P44A) (s04p1801.ssb) - Regigigas boss fight (without Team Charm)

(D32P44A) (s04p1901.ssb) - Player let’s his aura spread, Regigigas reawakens and punches the ground

(D32P14A) (s04p1902.ssb) - Concealed Ruins is revealed

(D32P44A) (s04p2001.ssb) - Recruiting Regigigas

(D32P44A) (s04p2101.ssb) - Clearing Aegis Cave (after recruiting Regigigas)

(D32P31A) (s04p2201.ssb) - Clearing Ice Aegis Cave (after recruiting Regice)

(D32P32A) (s04p2301.ssb) - Clearing Rock Aegis Cave (after recruiting Regirock)

(D32P33A) (s04p2401.ssb) - Clearing Steel Aegis Cave (after recruiting Registeel)

Post-game 5: Marine Resort Unlock

(H02P99A) (s11p0101.ssb) - Hero & Partner hear someone outside their home

(D32P33A) (s11p0102.ssb) - Manaphy tells Hero & Partner about the Marine Resort

Post-game 6: The Seven Treasures

(D67P41A) (s12a0101.ssb) - Articuno boss fight

(D67P41A) (s12a0201.ssb) - Obtaining the Icy Flute / Recruiting Articuno

(D67P41A) (s12a0301.ssb) - Obtaining the Icy Flute (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

(D65P41A) (s12a0401.ssb) - Heatran boss fight

(D65P41A) (s12a0501.ssb) - Obtaining the Fiery Drum / Recruiting Heatran

(D65P41A) (s12a0601.ssb) - Obtaining the Fiery Drum (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

(D66P41A) (s12a0701.ssb) - Groudon boss fight

(D66P41A) (s12a0801.ssb) - Obtaining the Terra Cymbal / Recruiting Groudon

(D66P41A) (s12a0901.ssb) - Obtaining the Terra Cymbal (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

(D68P41A) (s12a1001.ssb) - Kyogre boss fight

(D68P41A) (s12a1101.ssb) - Obtaining the Aqua-Monica / Recruiting Kyogre

(D68P41A) (s12a1201.ssb) - Obtaining the Aqua-Monica (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

(D69P41A) (s12a1301.ssb) - Giratina boss fight

(D69P41A) (s12a1401.ssb) - Obtaining the Rock Horn / Recruiting Giratina

(D69P41A) (s12a1501.ssb) - Obtaining the Rock Horn (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

(D70P41A) (s12a1601.ssb) - Mew boss fight

(D70P41A) (s12a1701.ssb) - Obtaining the Grass Cornet / Recruiting Mew

(D70P41A) (s12a1801.ssb) - Obtaining the Grass Cornet (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

(D71P41A) (s12a1901.ssb) - Rayquaza boss fight

(D71P41A) (s12a2001.ssb) - Obtaining the Sky Melodica / Recruiting Rayquaza

(D71P41A) (s12a2101.ssb) - Obtaining the Sky Melodica (triggers only if you trashed the item before?)

Post-game 7: Azurill's Nightmare

(V03P05C) (s20p0101.ssb) - Visual of a heavy rain storm

(H02P99C) (s20p0102.ssb) - Partner watches the approaching storm / Hero reflects that they can’t evolve at Luminous Spring

(P14P01A) (s20p0103.ssb) - Flashback: The reason why Hero & Partner can’t evolve

(H02P99C) (s20p0104.ssb) - Hero wonders what the distortion in the fabric of space could be

(V03P11A) (s20p0106.ssb) - Darkrai evades Cresselia

(H02P99A) (s20p0107.ssb) - The next morning…

(H02P99C) (s20p0201.ssb) - Hero & Partner asleep at Sharpedo Bluff

(S02P01A) (s20p0202.ssb) - Cresselia tells Hero they are pushing the world to ruin

(H02P99C) (s20p0203.ssb) - Hero wakes in a sweat

(H02P99A) (s20p0204.ssb) - Partner’s morning positivity

(H02P99C) (s20p0301.ssb) - Hero & Partner asleep at Sharpedo Bluff (different scenario flag)

(S02P01A) (s20p0302.ssb) - Cresselia tells Hero that space is distorting because they exist in the world

(H02P99A) (s20p0303.ssb) - Partner wakes Hero up from sleep

(P14P01A) (s20p0304.ssb) - Flashback: The reason why Hero & Partner can’t evolve (short version)

(H02P99A) (s20p0305.ssb) - Hero notices that Partner is peppier than usual

(S02P01A) (s20p0401.ssb) - Bidoof tells Hero & Partner than Azurill’s in trouble

(G01P07A) (s20p0501.ssb) - Hero & Partner find Azurill trapped in a nightmare / Chatot suggests to find Drowzee

(D03P41A) (s20p0502.ssb) - Flashback: Hero & Partner confront Drowzee

(D03P11A) (s20p0503.ssb) - Flashback: Magnezone arrests Drowzee

(G01P07A) (s20p0504.ssb) - Magnemite tells Hero & Partner that Drowzee went to Mt. Travail

(D36P11A) (s20p0601.ssb) - Entering Mt. Travail

(D36P41A) (s20p0701.ssb) - Hero & Partner find Drowzee

(G01P07A) (s20p0801.ssb) - Drowzee assesses Azurill’s nightmare

(G01P07A) (s20p0901.ssb) - Preparing to enter Azurill’s dream

(D37P11A) (s20p0902.ssb) - Inside The Nightmare (Note: This script isn’t found in unionall.ssb but called directly from s20p0901)

(G01P07A) (s20p1001.ssb) - Preparing to enter Azurill’s dream (if you failed previously)

(D37P11A) (s20p1002.ssb) - Inside The Nightmare (if you failed previously) (Note: This script isn’t found in unionall.ssb but called directly from s20p1001)

(D37P41A) (s20p1101.ssb) - Cresselia appears and prepares to eliminate Hero & Partner, Drowzee intervenes

Post-game 8: Palkia's Onslaught

(G01P07A) (s21p0101.ssb) - Hero & Partner tell the Guild about Cresselia

(H02P99C) (s21p0102.ssb) - Partner wonders if he should disappear from the world

(H02P99C) (s21p0103.ssb) - Hero lies in bed processing the events of the day

(H02P99A) (s21p0104.ssb) - Flashback: Hero notices that Partner is peppier than usual

(H02P99C) (s21p0105.ssb) - Hero realises Partner had the same dream as them

(H02P99C) (s21p0106.ssb) - Hero wakes up to find Partner missing

(H01P99D) (s21p0201.ssb) - Hero finds Partner and tries to convince them that disappearing from the world isn’t the answer

(H01P99E) (s21p0202.ssb) - Flashback: Grovyle asks Partner how he kept so strong when faced with Primal Dialga in the ruined future

(H01P99E) (s21p0203.ssb) - Partner explains to Hero that he didn’t know the answer at first

(H01P99E) (s21p0204.ssb) - Flashback: Partner tells Grovyle that it was because Hero stood by him

(H01P99E) (s21p0205.ssb) - Partner tells Hero about what he told Grovyle

(D28P44A) (s21p0206.ssb) - Flashback: Grovyle pushes Dusknoir into the Dimensional Hole

(H01P99E) (s21p0207.ssb) - Partner realises that he can’t give up yet

(H02P99A) (s21p0208.ssb) - Partner suggests to Hero that they see Lapras

(D01P11A) (s21p0301.ssb) - Lapras tells Hero & Partner about Palkia

(H01P99A) (s21p0401.ssb) - Hero & Partner decide to continue investigating tomorrow

(H02P99C) (s21p0501.ssb) - Palkia kidnaps Hero & Partner

(D38P11A) (s21p0502.ssb) - Palkia attacks Hero & Partner inside Spacial Rift (contains the immortal line about distorting space without Palkia’s permission)

(D38P12A) (s21p0601.ssb) - Hero & Partner fall to the bottom of Spacial Rift

(D38P12A) (s21p0701.ssb) - Spacial Rift “Ready to go?”

(D38P12A) (s21p0801.ssb) - Failing Spacial Rift

(D38P12A) (s21p1401.ssb) - Failing Spacial Rift (if you returned to Spacial Rift’s entrance after failing against Palkia)

(D39P21A) (s21p0901.ssb) - Deep Spacial Rift “Would you like to go on?”

(D39P21A) (s21p1001.ssb) - Failing Deep Spacial Rift

(D39P21A) (s21p1501.ssb) - Failing Deep Spacial Rift (if you failed against Palkia)

(D39P41A) (s21p1101.ssb) - Palkia’s onslaught

(D39P41A) (s21p1201.ssb) - Losing Palkia boss fight

(D39P41A) (s21p1202.ssb) - Hero & Partner regroup after their loss to Palkia

(D39P41A) (s21p1301.ssb) - Palkia boss fight (if you failed previously)

Post-game 9: Darkrai

(D39P41A) (s22p0101.ssb) - Hero & Partner are asked to enter Palkia’s nightmare

(D39P32A) (s22p0201.ssb) - Cresselia prepares to eliminate Hero & Partner once more

(S04P01A) (s22p0202.ssb) - “Never abandon hope!”

(D39P32A) (s22p0203.ssb) - The two Cresselias

(D39P32A) (s22p0204.ssb) - Darkrai is exposed by the real Cresselia / Darkrai tells Hero & Partner to come to Dark Crater

(T01P01A) (s22p0301.ssb) - Azurill is free of his nightmare / Cresselia explains how Darkrai interacted with Hero & Partner

(D37P41A) (s22p0302.ssb) - Flashback: Cresselia appears before Hero & Partner in Azurill’s nightmare

(T01P01A) (s22p0303.ssb) - Cresselia explains that Darkrai wanted Hero & Partner gone / Partner is happy they can live in this world

(D39P41A) (s22p0304.ssb) - Flashback: Darkrai tells Hero & Partner to come to Dark Crater

(T01P01A) (s22p0305.ssb) - Hero, Partner & Cresselia agree to go to Dark Crater

(H01P99A) (s22p0401.ssb) - Cresselia tells Hero & Partner where Dark Crater is located

(H01P99A) (s22p0501.ssb) - “Are you ready to go to the Dark Crater?”

(D40P11A) (s22p0601.ssb) - Entering Dark Crater

(H02P99A) (s22p0701.ssb) - Failing Dark Crater

(D40P11A) (s22p0801.ssb) - Entering Dark Crater (if you failed previously)

(D41P21A) (s22p0901.ssb) - Deep Dark Crater “Would you like to go on?”

(D41P21A) (s22p1001.ssb) - Failing Deep Dark Crater

(D41P41A) (s22p1101.ssb) - Arriving at Dark Crater Pit / Darkrai begins to tell Hero about his role in the time travel accident

(S04P01A) (s22p1102.ssb) - Flashback: An accident in time travel

(V01P07B) (s22p1103.ssb) - Darkrai continues to explain about the accident

(D01P11A) (s22p1104.ssb) - Darkrai talks about how Hero lost their memory

(D41P41A) (s22p1105.ssb) - Darkrai reveals that he caused the time travel accident

(V26P03A) (s22p1106.ssb) - Darkrai explains how decided to target Temporal Tower

(V26P01A) (s22p1107.ssb) - Darkrai explains how he sabotaged Temporal Tower

(D41P41A) (s22p1108.ssb) - Darkrai explains how Hero transformed into a Pokémon

(D41P41A) (s22p1109.ssb) - Darkrai continues his explanation about Hero’s transformation

(D41P41A) (s22p1110.ssb) - Darkrai’s offer / Hero’s refusal / Beginning of boss fight

(D41P41A) (s22p1201.ssb) - Losing Darkrai boss fight

(D41P21A) (s22p1202.ssb) - Regrouping after losing Darkrai boss fight

(D41P41A) (s22p1301.ssb) - Darkrai boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D41P41A) (s22p1401.ssb) - Darkrai defeated / Palkia’s strike for justice

(T01P01A) (s22p1501.ssb) - Post-game epilogue as described by Partner

Post-game 10: Manaphy's Return

(H01P99A) (s23p0101.ssb) - Chatot tells Hero & Partner that Manaphy has returned

(D01P11A) (s23p0102.ssb) - Hero & Partner reunite with Manaphy

(H01P99A) (s23p0103.ssb) - Manaphy asks to join the exploration team

Spinda's Cafe: Introduction and Common Scenes

(P01P01A) (s30a0101.ssb) - Hero & Partner notice Spinda’s Café under construction

(P01P01A) (s30a0201.ssb) - Wynaut & Wobbuffet invite Hero & Partner to look at Spinda’s Café

(P01P01A) (s30a0202.ssb) - Spinda’s Café introduction

(P01P01A) (s30a0301.ssb) - Octillary and Mr. Mime tell Hero & Partner the Café has some “wonderful news”

(P01P04A) (s30a0302.ssb) - Spinda announces Project P

(S14P01A) (s30a0303.ssb) - Spinda explains how Project P works

(P01P04A) (s30a0304.ssb) - Everyone is excited about Project P

(P01P04A) (s30a0401.ssb) - Recycle Shop upgraded (more items available)

(P01P04A) (s30a0501.ssb) - Recycle Shop upgraded (new dungeon unlocked)

(P01P04A) (s30a0601.ssb) - Prize Ticket scripts (including Ludicolo dance)

(P01P04A) (s30a0701.ssb) - Juice Bar scripts

Sky Peak

During Climb

(P01P01A) (s31a0101.ssb) - Octillary and Mr. Mime tell Hero & Partner the Café has some “happy news”

(P01P04A) (s31a0102.ssb) - Spinda asks the crowd if anyone has heard of Sky Peak

(V37P01A) (s31a0103.ssb) - Mr. Mime described Sky Peak

(P01P04A) (s31a0104.ssb) - Spinda announces that Sky Peak has been rediscovered and everyone decides to go the Shaymin Village

(D73P11A) (s31a0201.ssb) - Arriving at Shaymin Village / Shaymin offers to guide Hero & Partner up Sky Peak

(D73P11A) (s31a0301.ssb) - Shaymin Village - “Return to Treasure Town?”

(D73P11A) (s31a0401.ssb) - Shaymin Village - “Climb Sky Peak?”

(D73P11A) (s31a0501.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 1st Station Pass

(D73P21A) (s31a0601.ssb) - Arriving at Sky Peak 1st Station Clearing

(D73P21A) (s31a0701.ssb) - 1st Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P21A) (s31a0801.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 2nd Station Pass

(D73P22A) (s31a0901.ssb) - Arriving at Sky Peak 2nd Station Clearing

(D73P22A) (s31a1001.ssb) - 2nd Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P22A) (s31a1101.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 3rd Station Pass

(D73P23A) (s31a1201.ssb) - Arriving at Sky Peak 3rd Station Clearing

(D73P23A) (s31a1301.ssb) - 3rd Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P23A) (s31a1401.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 4th Station Pass

(D73P24A) (s31a1501.ssb) - Arriving at Sky Peak 4th Station Clearing

(D73P24A) (s31a1601.ssb) - 4th Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P24A) (s31a1701.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 5th Station Pass (if you haven’t completed the Carnivine fight)

(D73P24A) (s31a1801.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 5th Station Pass (after completing Carnivine fight)

(D73P25A) (s31a1901.ssb) - Carnivine gang pre-fight

(D73P25A) (s31a2001.ssb) - Shaymin calms the Carnivine down

(D73P26A) (s31a2101.ssb) - Arriving at Sky Peak 6th Station Clearing

(D73P26A) (s31a2201.ssb) - 6th Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P26A) (s31a2301.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 7th Station Pass

(D73P27A) (s31a2401.ssb) - Shaymin spots Team Frontier trying to help Sneasel fainted on the ground

(D73P27A) (s31a2501.ssb) - 7th Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P27A) (s31a2601.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 8th Station Pass (before finding Ampharos)

(D73P27A) (s31a2701.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 8th Station Pass (after finding Ampharos)

(D73P28A) (s31a2801.ssb) - Shaymin asks Ampharos for help

(D73P28A) (s31a2802.ssb) - Ampharos arrives to help Sneasel

(D73P28A) (s31a2803.ssb) - Sneasel awakes at the 8th Station Clearing

(D73P28A) (s31a2901.ssb) - 8th Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P28A) (s31a3001.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 9th Station Pass

(D73P29A) (s31a3101.ssb) - Arriving at Sky Peak 9th Station Clearing

(D73P29A) (s31a3201.ssb) - 9th Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P29A) (s31a3301.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak Summit Pass

(D73P41A) (s31a3401.ssb) - Shaymin discovers that the summit has become overrun with Grimer and Muk

(D73P29A) (s31a3501.ssb) - Losing Grimer & Muk boss fight

(D73P41A) (s31a3601.ssb) - Grimer & Muk boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D73P41A) (s31a3701.ssb) - Shaymin defeats the Grimer & Muck and cleans up the area

(V37P02A) (s31a3702.ssb) - Gracidea meadow animation

(D73P31A) (s31a3703.ssb) - Everyone celebrates that they reached the summit

(V37P03A) (s31a3704.ssb) - Visual of the view at the top of Sky Peak

(D73P31A) (s31a3705.ssb) - Everyone admires the view of the summit / Shaymin reveals that they can fly back down to the village

(V37P03A) (s31a3706.ssb) - Flying back down Sky Peak / Narration of what happened that night

(H02P99A) (s31a3707.ssb) - Hero & Partner reflect on climbing the mountain / Sky Jukebox unlocked

(D73P25A) (s31a3801.ssb) - 5th Station Clearing - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P25A) (s31a3901.ssb) - Failing Sky Peak 6th Station Pass

(D73P11A) (s31a4001.ssb) - Using Chimecho’s Assembly at Sky Peak

Other scenes

(D73P28A) (s32a0101.ssb) - After clearing Sky Peak: Ampharos gives you a Sky Gift as a token of appreciation from Sneasel

(V37P03A) (s32a0201.ssb) - The view at the top of Sky Peak (no dialogue version)

(D73P31A) (s32a0301.ssb) - Sky Peak Summit - “Return to the Shaymin Village?”

(D73P31A) (s32a0401.ssb) - Giving Heracross his lost item

Special Episode 1: Bidoof's Wish

(G01P05A) (n00p0101.ssb) - Entering Wigglytuff’s Office after you unlock Star Cave Depths

(G01P04A) (n01a0101.ssb) - Bidoof introduces himself to the player

(V32P01A) (n01a0102.ssb) - Episode card

(P15P01A) (n01a0103.ssb) - Bidoof leaves home

(G01P04A) (n01a0104.ssb) - Bidoof messes up in front of Loudred

(G01P06A) (n01a0105.ssb) - Bidoof accidentally eats all the Perfect Apples

(G01P04A) (n01a0106.ssb) - Chatot asks Bidoof to go to Kecleon Market for an errand

(G01P03A) (n01a0201.ssb) - Attempting to look at the Job Bulletin Board

(G01P03A) (n01a0301.ssb) - Attempting to look at the Outlaw Notice Board

(P01P01A) (n01a0401.ssb) - Going in the wrong direction at the crossroads

(T01P02A) (n01a0501.ssb) - Bidoof completes the errand, tells the Kecleons about his desire to become an explorer. Kecleon offers a TM.

(P15P01A) (n01a0502.ssb) - Flashback: Bidoof’s Mum gives Bidoof a sack of money

(T01P02A) (n01a0503.ssb) - Bidoof encounters a Snover being chased by Bagon and Gligar

(G01P04A) (n01a0504.ssb) - Chimecho announces dinner is ready

(G01P06B) (n01a0601.ssb) - Dinner

(G01P10C) (n01a0701.ssb) - Bidoof tries to sleep but Loudred’s snoring keeps him up. Starts to think about Snover

(T01P02A) (n01a0702.ssb) - Flashback: Snover asks Bidoof to hold something

(G01P10C) (n01a0703.ssb) - Bidoof looks at Snover’s map

(G01P10A) (n01a0704.ssb) - Bidoof oversleeps

(G01P04A) (n01a0705.ssb) - Bidoof asked Chatot about Star Cave

(G01P01A) (n01a0706.ssb) - Bidoof meets Snover outside the guild. Begins to explain what happened

(H01P99A) (n01a0707.ssb) - Flashback: Bagon and Gligar discover Snover doesn’t have the map anymore

(G01P01A) (n01a0708.ssb) - Snover asks Bidoof to explore Star Cave with him

(G01P04A) (n01a0709.ssb) - Bidoof asks Chatot for a day off, fakes a stomach pain

(P01P01A) (n01a0710.ssb) - Bidoof agrees to prepare for the exploration while Snover hides

(D01P11A) (n01a0801.ssb) - Attempting to go to Beach Cave from the overworld

(P01P01A) (n01a0901.ssb) - Entering Star Cave

(S04P01A) (n01a1001.ssb) - Failing Star Cave

(G01P10C) (n01a1101.ssb) - Going to sleep

(G01P10A) (n01a1201.ssb) - Loudred’s alarm

(G01P04A) (n01a1301.ssb) - Morning cheers (if you failed previously)

(P01P01A) (n01a1401.ssb) - If you failed previously

(D42P21A) (n01a1501.ssb) - Arriving at Deep Star Cave

(D42P21A) (n01a1601.ssb) - Deep Star Cave “Would you like to go on?”

(D42P21A) (n01a1701.ssb) - Failing Deep Star Cave (with Snover)

(D42P21A) (n01a1801.ssb) - Failing Deep Star Cave (without Snover)

(D42P41A) (n01a1901.ssb) - Snover double-crosses Bidoof

(T01P02A) (n01a1902.ssb) - Flashback: Snover’s gang notices Bidoof getting out a large sack of money

(D42P41A) (n01a1903.ssb) - Snover’s gang prepares to battle Bidoof

(D42P41A) (n01a1904.ssb) - Wigglytuff’s Guild saves Bidoof

(D42P21A) (n01a2001.ssb) - Failing Deep Star Cave (if you haven’t completed the Snover’s gang fight)

(P01P01A) (n01a2101.ssb) - Failing Star Cave (if you haven’t completed the Snover’s gang fight)

(D42P41A) (n01a2201.ssb) - Snover’s gang boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D42P31A) (n01a2301.ssb) - Snover’s gang defeated, Chatot and the guild express their appreciation for Bidoof, allow him to go forward into Star Cave Depths

(D42P21A) (n01a2501.ssb) - Failing Star Cave Depths

(D42P42A) (n01a2701.ssb) - Bidoof finds Jirachi who is attacking in their sleep

(D42P21A) (n01a2801.ssb) - Failing Jirachi boss fight

(G01P04A) (n01a2901.ssb) - Morning cheers (if you failed Jirachi’s boss fight)

(D42P42A) (n01a3001.ssb) - Jirachi boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D42P42A) (n01a3101.ssb) - Bidoof makes his wish

(G01P04A) (n01a3102.ssb) - Bidoof thanks Jirachi for giving him two apprentices

(S04P01A) (n01a3103.ssb) - Credits

Special Episode 2: Igglybuff the Prodigy

Part 1: Igglybuff’s First Adventure

(G01P01C) (n02a0101.ssb) - Nighttime establishing shot of Wigglytuff Guild

(G01P07C) (n02a0102.ssb) - Hero & Partner asleep

(G01P10C) (n02a0103.ssb) - Loudred asleep and snoring

(G01P04C) (n02a0104.ssb) - Chatot sneaks into Wigglytuff’s office

(G01P05C) (n02a0105.ssb) - Chatot smuggles Wigglytuff a Perfect Apple, Wiggletuff drops his Defend Globe

(S04P01A) (n02a0106.ssb) - Episode card

(P16P01A) (n02a0107.ssb) - Wigglytuff describes the prairie where he grew up

(P17P01A) (n02a0108.ssb) - Wigglytuff describes his childhood home

(P17P02A) (n02a0109.ssb) - Igglybuff gets ready to go play with his friends

(P17P01A) (n02a0201.ssb) - Igglybuff exits his home to go play

(P16P01A) (n02a0202.ssb) - Igglybuff plays with his friends

(P16P01A) (n02a0301.ssb) - Scene that established Banette and Skorupi as the bullies

(P17P02C) (n02a0302.ssb) - Igglybuff’s parents worry about Igglybuff

(V03P05C) (n02a0303.ssb) - Papa recalls a time when he was caught in a storm with Igglybuff

(P18P01A) (n02a0304.ssb) - Igglybuff saves Papa from a falling boulder

(P17P02C) (n02a0305.ssb) - Papa tells Mama to trust Igglybuff’s skills and judgement

(P17P02A) (n02a0306.ssb) - The next morning…

(P17P02A) (n02a0401.ssb) - Igglybuff leaves the house and says goodbye to his parents

(P16P01A) (n02a0501.ssb) - Banette and Skorupi attempt to convince the others to go to Murky Forest

(S04P01A) (n02a0601.ssb) - Failing Murky Forest

(P17P02A) (n02a0701.ssb) - The next morning… (version 2)

(P16P01A) (n02a0801.ssb) - Re-entering Murky Forest

(D43P31A) (n02a0901.ssb) - Armaldo scares away Banette and Skorupi, Igglybuff stays

(P19P01A) (n02a1001.ssb) - Armaldo leads Igglybuff to his cave

(P19P02A) (n02a1002.ssb) - Armaldo gives his backstory, shares a map with Igglybuff, who solves its secret

(P17P02A) (n02a1003.ssb) - The next morning… (version 3)

Part 2: Igglybuff & Armaldo

(P17P02A) (n03a0101.ssb) - “Where will you go?”

(P17P01A) (n03a0201.ssb) - Igglybuff tells his friends he is going to Murky Forest again

(S04P01A) (n03a0301.ssb) - Failing Eastern Cave

(P19P01A) (n03a0401.ssb) - Armaldo shows Igglybuff a Khangaskhan Rock

(P19P01A) (n03a0501.ssb) - Armaldo and Igglybuff get ready to re-attempt Eastern Cave

(D44P31A) (n03a0601.ssb) - Igglybuff smashes the door to Eastern Cave’s treasure chamber

(P20P01A) (n03a0701.ssb) - Armaldo finds the Defend Globe, Igglybuff asks to be Armaldo’s apprentice

(P17P02A) (n03a0702.ssb) - Montage: Igglybuff leaves his house

(P19P02A) (n03a0703.ssb) - Montage: Armaldo and Igglybuff decide where to go next

(P20P02A) (n03a0704.ssb) - Montage: The pair find treasure, but Armaldo falls in a pit trap

(P20P03A) (n03a0705.ssb) - Montage: Treasure room with a lot of treasure chests

(P21P02A) (n03a0706.ssb) - Armaldo tells Igglybuff they’re going to Fortune Ravine tomorrow. Nidoking spots Armaldo in the shadows

(P17P02A) (n03a0707.ssb) - The next morning… (version 4)

(S04P01A) (n03a0801.ssb) - Going back home instead of going to Fortune Ravine

(P19P01A) (n03a0901.ssb) - Final preparations before leaving for Fortune Ravine

(P17P02A) (n03a1001.ssb) - Igglybuff’s friends call out for him to play

(P17P01A) (n03a1002.ssb) - Everyone starts to worry about Igglybuff, Nikoking arrives

(P19P01A) (n03a1101.ssb) - Failing Fortune Ravine

(D45P21A) (n03a1201.ssb) - Arriving at Fortune Ravine Depths

(D45P21A) (n03a1301.ssb) - Fortune Ravine Depths - “Would you like to go on?”

(D45P21A) (n03a1401.ssb) - Failing Fortune Ravine Depths

(D45P31A) (n03a1501.ssb) - Armaldo activates a booby trap

(D45P42A) (n03a1502.ssb) - 6 v 2 boss fight!

(D45P42A) (n03a1601.ssb) - 6 v 2 boss fight! (if you failed previously)

(D45P42A) (n03a1701.ssb) - Armaldo and Igglybuff exit the pit

(P22P01A) (n03a1702.ssb) - Armaldo is arrested and says goodbye to Igglybuff

(G01P05C) (n03a1703.ssb) - Wigglytuff reflects on Armaldo to Chatot

(S04P01A) (n03a1704.ssb) - Credits

(P19P01A) (n03a1801.ssb) - Ready to go to Eastern Cave?

(P19P01A) (n03a1901.ssb) - Ready to go to Fortune Ravine?

Special Episode 3: Today's "Oh my Gosh!"

(G01P01C) (n04a0101.ssb) - Nighttime establishing shot of Wigglytuff Guild

(G01P09C) (n04a0102.ssb) - Chimecho notices that Sunflora keeps a diary

(S04P01A) (n04a0103.ssb) - Episode card

(G01P05A) (n04a0104.ssb) - Sunflora introduces herself to the player

(G01P01A) (n04a0105.ssb) - Sunflora explains her dislike of Loudred, Chatot askes Sunflora to come to Wigglytuff’s office

(G01P05A) (n04a0106.ssb) - Magnezone explains about the invincible Haunter, Sunflora is assigned the task

(G01P04A) (n04a0107.ssb) - Sunflora decided to prepare first

(G01P03A) (n04a0201.ssb) - Attempting to look at the Job Bulletin Board

(G01P03A) (n04a0301.ssb) - Attempting to look at the Outlaw Notice Board

(D01P11A) (n04a0401.ssb) - Attempting to go to Beach Cave from the overworld-

(P01P01A) (n04a0501.ssb) - Entering Spring Cave

(P01P01A) (n04a0601.ssb) - Failing Spring Cave

(P01P01A) (n04a0701.ssb) - Entering Spring Cave (if you failed previously)

(D57P41A) (n04a0801.ssb) - Haunter boss battle intro [Phase 1]

(D57P41A) (n04a0901.ssb) - Haunter boss battle intro [Phase 1] (if you failed previously)

(D57P41A) (n04a1001.ssb) - Haunter is seemingly defeated, but then “revives”

(G01P05A) (n04a1002.ssb) - Flashback: Magnezone explains about the invincible Haunter

(D57P41A) (n04a1003.ssb) - Haunter flees

(P01P01A) (n04a1101.ssb) - Entering Spring Cave (if you failed after beating phase 1 of the Haunter boss fight)

(D57P42A) (n04a1201.ssb) - Haunter boss battle intro [Phase 2]

(D57P42A) (n04a1301.ssb) - Haunter boss battle intro [Phase 2] (if you failed previously)

(D57P42A) (n04a1401.ssb) - Haunter faints, revives and then calls on a hoard of Slugma. Loudred saves Sunflora

(D57P42A) (n04a1402.ssb) - Flashback: Loudred saves Sunflora

(D57P42A) (n04a1403.ssb) - Sunflora starts to suspect Haunter isn’t as invincible as he claims

(P01P01A) (n04a1501.ssb) -  Entering Spring Cave (if you failed after beating phase 2 of the Haunter boss fight)

(D57P21A) (n04a1601.ssb) - Arriving at Spring Cave Depths

(D57P21A) (n04a1701.ssb) - Spring Cave Depths “Would you like to go on?”

(D57P21A) (n04a1801.ssb) - Failing Spring Cave Depths

(D57P21A) (n04a1901.ssb) - Spring Cave Depths “Would you like to go on?” (if you failed previously)

(D57P43A) (n04a2001.ssb) - Sunflora exposes Haunter as being a trio of Haunter

(D57P41A) (n04a2002.ssb) - Sunflora explains Haunter’s ruse

(D57P43A) (n04a2003.ssb) - The Haunter trio begin their last stand

(D57P44A) (n04a2004.ssb) - Lava flows into Spring Cave Pit. Loudred arrives to help

(D57P21A) (n04a2101.ssb) - Failing Haunter trio boss fight

(D57P21A) (n04a2201.ssb) - Failing Spring Cave Depths (if you failed the Haunter trio boss fight previously)

(P01P01A) (n04a2301.ssb) - Failing Spring Cave / Upper Spring Cave / Lower Spring Cave (if you failed the Haunter trio boss fight previously)

(P01P01A) (n04a2401.ssb) - Entering Spring Cave (if you failed the Haunter trio boss fight previously)

(D57P44A) (n04a2501.ssb) - Haunter trio boss fight (if you failed previously)

(D57P44A) (n04a2601.ssb) - The Haunter trio defeated

(G01P01A) (n04a2602.ssb) - Establishing shot of Wigglytuff Guild

(G01P03A) (n04a2603.ssb) - Sunflora is commended by Magnezone, Chatot explains Loudred left his post and got punished

(G01P01C) (n04a2604.ssb) - Nighttime establishing shot of Wigglytuff Guild

(G01P09C) (n04a2605.ssb) - Chimecho invites Sunflora to Croagunk’s scary story night, Sunflora writes in her diary first

(S04P01A) (n04a2606.ssb) - Credits

Special Episode 4: Here Comes Team Charm!

(S04P01A) (n06a0101.ssb) - At night (also contains Jump cases for Debug)

(P26P01A) (n06a0102.ssb) - Ruine Scene, Team Charm introduces itself

(P27P01A) (n06a0103.ssb) - Rip Ruine + Team Charm is happy

(S04P01A) (n06a0104.ssb) - Special Episode Banner

(D54P11A) (n06a0201.ssb) - Jungle Scene, Bellossom wants Team Charm to leave here

(D54P11A) (n06a0301.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Southern Jungle)

(D54P11A) (n06a0401.ssb) - Falling Southern Jungle

(D54P31A) (n06a0501.ssb) - Success Southern Jungle + strange sound

(D54P32A) (n06a0502.ssb) - Meet Wigglytuff, his food was stolen

(V39P02A) (n06a0601.ssb) - Picture of Temple

(D55P11A) (n06a0701.ssb) - Entry quarry + Team AWD introduce + Sentret appears

(D55P11A) (n06a0801.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Boulder Quarry)

(D55P11A) (n06a0901.ssb) - Falling Boulder Quarry or going back

(D55P21A) (n06a1001.ssb) - ‘We’ve come pretty far…’

(D55P21A) (n06a1101.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Deep Boulder Quarry)

(D55P21A) (n06a1201.ssb) - Falling Deep Boulder Quarry

(D55P41A) (n06a1301.ssb) - Lairon ambush and attack (Boss Fight 37)

(D55P21A) (n06a1401.ssb) - Failing Boss Fight 37

(D55P11A) (n06a1601.ssb) - Going back to entry quarry after Failing Boss Fight 37

(D55P41A) (n06a1701.ssb) - Boss Fight 37 (If you fail before)

(D55P21A) (n06a1501.ssb) - Falling Deep Boulder Quarry (If you fail Boss Fight 37 before)

(D55P41A) (n06a1801.ssb) - Defeat Lairon

(D56P11A) (n06a1901.ssb) - Illusion Stone Chamber Room

(D56P11A) (n06a2001.ssb) - Continue? (Right Way)

(D56P11A) (n06a2101.ssb) - Continue? (Left Way)

(D56P11A) (n06a2201.ssb) - Failing Left OR Right Way

(D56P11A) (n06a2301.ssb) - Right Path success

(D56P11A) (n06a2401.ssb) - Right Path success (again)

(D56P11A) (n06a2501.ssb) - Left Path success

(D56P11A) (n06a2601.ssb) - Left Path success (again)

(D56P11A) (n06a2701.ssb) - Running in Circuits (coming from right)

(D56P11A) (n06a2702.ssb) - Running in Circuits (coming from left)

(D56P11A) (n06a2703.ssb) - Wigglytuff appears and discovers the solution

(D56P11A) (n06a2801.ssb) - Continue? (Going to n06a2802)

(D56P12A) (n06a2802.ssb) - Continue 2 (Enter Limestone Cavern)

(D56P11A) (n06a2901.ssb) - Failing or return to Limestone Cavern

(D56P11A) (n06a3001.ssb) - Enter Limestone Cavern? (If fail before)

(D56P21A) (n06a3101.ssb) - ‘We’ve come pretty far…’

(D56P21A) (n06a3201.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Deep Limestone Cavern)

(D56P21A) (n06a3301.ssb) - Failing Deep Limestone Cavern

(D56P41A) (n06a3401.ssb) - Empty treasure + encounter AWD (Boss Fight 38)

(D56P41A) (n06a3501.ssb) - Failing Boss Fight 38 + Team AWD angry

(D56P21A) (n06a3502.ssb) - ‘We must go back’

(D56P21A) (n06a3601.ssb) - Failing Deep Limestone Cavern (After Boss fight 38)

(D56P11A) (n06a3701.ssb) - Failing Limestone Cavern (After Boss fight 38)

(D56P41A) (n06a3801.ssb) - Empty treasure + encounter AWD (Boss Fight 38) (if you fail before)

(D56P41A) (n06a3901.ssb) - Wiggypuff appears and shows the truth about Limestone Cavern

(D54P11A) (n06a3902.ssb) - Flashback: Jungle, Bellossom wants Team Charm to leave here

(D55P11A) (n06a3903.ssb) - Flashback: Sentret appears and talks about Team AWD

(D56P41A) (n06a3904.ssb) - Ditto confirms truth and leads Team Charm and AWD around

(P28P01A) (n06a3905.ssb) - Ditto shows time gear

(V39P03A) (n06a3906.ssb) - Seeing the time gear

(P28P01A) (n06a3907.ssb) - You can't take a time gear + all leave without treasure

(D55P11A) (n06a3908.ssb) - It wasn’t for nothing + Wigglypuff goes with Team Charm

(S04P01A) (n06a3909.ssb) - Credits

Special Episode 5: In the Future of Darkness

(D28P34A) (n08a0108.ssb) - Grovyle’s sacrifice  (also contains Jump case for Debug)

(S04P01A) (n08a0108.ssb) - Special Episode Banner

(V17P03A) (n08a0108.ssb) - In the Future of Darkness

(D46P11A) (n08a0208.ssb) - For a new Life (Enter Barren Valley)

(D46P11A) (n08a0308.ssb) - Failing Barren Valley or going back to Barren Valley Entrance

(D46P11A) (n08a0408.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Barren Valley)

(D46P21A) (n08a0508.ssb) - ‘I\'ve come pretty far...’

(D46P21A) (n08a0608.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Deep Barren Valley)

(D46P21A) (n08a0708.ssb) - Failing Deep Barren Valley or Boss Battle 33

(D46P31A) (n08a0808.ssb) - Sableye attacks, Dusknoir join Grovyle (Boss Battle 33)

(D46P11A) (n08a0908.ssb) - Going back to Barren Valley Entrance after losing Boss Battle 33

(D46P31A) (n08a1008.ssb) - Boss Battle 33 (If you fail before)

(D46P31A) (n08a1108.ssb) - Grovyle and Dusknoir make temporary peace and work together

(D47P11A) (n08a1108.ssb) - Running through dark wasteland

(D47P11A) (n08a1208.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Dark Wasteland (it was originally supposed to have 16 floors, no 4))

(D47P11A) (n08a1308.ssb) - Failing Dark Wasteland

(P23P01A) (n08a1408.ssb) - 'Convince' a Sableye to come with them

(P23P02A) (n08a1408.ssb) - About Dialga’s new henchman

(D48P11A) (n08a1408.ssb) - Grovyle and Dusknoir reach the Temporal Tower

(D48P11A) (n08a1508.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Temporal Tower)

(D48P11A) (n08a1608.ssb) - Failing Temporal Tower or going back

(D48P21A) (n08a1708.ssb) - ‘We’ve come pretty far…’

(D48P21A) (n08a1808.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Temporal Spire)

(D48P21A) (n08a1908.ssb) - Failing Temporal Spire

(P05P01A) (n08a2008.ssb) - Dialga isn’t here + Celebi is in danger

(D22P11A) (n08a2008.ssb) - Dusk Forest Entrance, hope Celebi is fine.

(D22P11A) (n08a2108.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Dusk Forest)

(D22P11A) (n08a2208.ssb) - Failing Dusk Forest

(P08P01A) (n08a2308.ssb) - Celebi isn’t here + Sableye attacks (Boss Battle 34)

(P08P01A) (n08a2408.ssb) - Failing Boss Battle 34 + Sableye are confused

(D22P11A) (n08a2408.ssb) - ‘We need to go back’

(P08P01A) (n08a2508.ssb) - Boss Battle 34 (If you failed before)

(P08P01A) (n08a2608.ssb) - Dialga and Celebi are on Frozen Island

(D50P11A) (n08a2608.ssb) - Spacial Cliffs Entrance, Want to the Porygon

(D50P11A) (n08a2708.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Spacial Cliffs)

(D50P11A) (n08a2808.ssb) - Failing Spacial Cliffs

(P24P01A) (n08a2908.ssb) - Porygon teleport Grovyle and Dusknoir to Frozen Island

(V38P01A) (n08a2908.ssb) - The Frozen Island

(D51P11A) (n08a2908.ssb) - Arrival + Snorunt tease Grovyle

(D51P11A) (n08a3008.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Dark Ice Mountain)

(D51P11A) (n09a0101.ssb) - Failing Dark Ice Mountain or going back

(D51P21A) (n09a0201.ssb) - ‘We’ve come pretty far…’

(D51P21A) (n09a0301.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Dark Ice Mountain Peak)

(D51P21A) (n09a0401.ssb) - Failing Dark Ice Mountain Peak

(D51P41A) (n09a0501.ssb) - Dusknoir protects Grovyle + Glalie attacks (Boss Battle 35)

(D51P21A) (n09a0601.ssb) - Failing Boss Battle 35

(D51P11A) (n09a0701.ssb) - Going back to Dark Ice Mountain’s entrance after failing Boss Battle 35

(D51P41A) (n09a0801.ssb) - Boss Battle 35 (if you fail before)

(D51P41A) (n09a0901.ssb) - Defeat them + Dusknoir is injured

(P25P01A) (n09a0902.ssb) - Dusknoir wants to beat the new beachmen + Living Spirit

(V38P02A) (n09a0903.ssb) - Many ice pillars

(V38P03A) (n09a0904.ssb) - Many living ice columns

(D52P11A) (n09a0905.ssb) - Another Snorunt + Finds out Celebi was already captured

(V38P03A) (n09a0906.ssb) - Living ice columns getting loud

(D52P11A) (n09a0907.ssb) - Snorunt runs away + We are very close

(D52P11A) (n09a1001.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Icicle Forest)

(D52P11A) (n09a1101.ssb) - Failing Icicle Forest

(D52P32A) (n09a1201.ssb) - Prepare for showdown

(D52P31A) (n09a1202.ssb) - Grovyle and Dusknoir see big ice pillar + someone on the ground

(D52P32A) (n09a1203.ssb) - Destiny + Proud Accomplishment Part 1

(D46P11A) (n09a1204.ssb) - Flashback: Arrival in the Future of Darkness

(D52P32A) (n09a1205.ssb) - Destiny + Proud Accomplishment Part 2

(P25P01A) (n09a1206.ssb) - Flashback: Living Sprit

(D52P32A) (n09a1207.ssb) - Destiny + Proud Accomplishment Part 3

(D53P11A) (n09a1208.ssb) - Grovyle, Dusknoir and Celebi team up for final fight

(D53P11A) (n09a1301.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Vast Ice Mountain)

(D53P11A) (n09a1401.ssb) - Failing Vast Ice Mountain or going back

(D53P21A) (n09a1501.ssb) - ‘We’ve come pretty far…’ + Dialga is at pinnacle

(D53P21A) (n09a1601.ssb) - Continue? (Enter Vast Ice Mountain Peak)

(D53P21A) (n09a1701.ssb) - Failing Vast Ice Mountain Peak

(D53P41A) (n09a1801.ssb) - Final showdown against Primal Dialga (Boss battle 36)

(D53P21A) (n09a1901.ssb) - Losing final showdown against Primal Dialga

(D53P11A) (n09a2001.ssb) - Going back to Vast Ice Mountain Entrance after losing

(D53P41A) (n09a2101.ssb) - Final showdown against Primal Dialga (If you fail before)

(D53P41B) (n09a2201.ssb) - Disappear…In the Morning Sun

(D53P11A) (n09a2202.ssb) - The Sableye too

(V38P07A) (n09a2203.ssb) - Everything moves again (stones)

(V38P08A) (n09a2213.ssb) - Everything moves again (More stones)

(V38P10A) (n09a2204.ssb) - Everything moves again (More, more stones)

(D53P41C) (n09a2205.ssb) - A new World… for Grovyle, Dusknoir, Celebi…

(D53P11B) (n09a2206.ssb) - …for Sableye…

(D52P11C) (n09a2207.ssb) - …for Spiritomb + Snorunt…

(D53P41C) (n09a2208.ssb) - Is it a miracle? Dialga is back

(V38P10A) (n09a2209.ssb) - Dialga’s gift

(V38P11A) (n09a2210.ssb) - Dialga’s gift 2

(D53P41C) (n09a2211.ssb) - It’s not a miracle + Thoughts for friends + A message on the wind

(S04P01A) (n09a2212.ssb) -  We’re still alive + Credits